Schwanger oder Nebenwirkungen der gürtelrose?

Hallo meine Partnerin 30 hat seit einer Woche ca. Eine gürtelrose und seit 4 Tagen zusätzlich eine Erkältung. Ihre letzte periode begann vor 29 Tagen. In dieser Zeit hatten wir am 20 Tag Sex anfangs ohne Gummi dann mit.

Weitere Verhütung nimmt sie nicht. Nun sollte eigentlich gestern/heute die periode anfangen laut App. Allerdings kommt nichts. Am 26. Zyklustag abends hatte sie wehenartige Krämpfe im bauchraum.

Des weiteren hat sie neben der Erkältung: Kopfschmerzen, schweissausbrüche, innere Unruhe und teilweise bauchschmerzen.

Sie meint das würde alles durch das zostex kommen. Ich bin mir da allerdings nun unsicher. Wir haben am 27. Zyklustag nachmittags einen frühtest gemacht mit 10 ieu/l und am 28. Zyklustag morgen mit morgenurin einen weiteren. Beide negativ. Ich bin mir aber auch nicht sicher ab wann die Tests tatsächlich zuverlässig sind.

Wer kann helfen bzw. Kann was zu dieser Konstellation sagen ?

Kann es sein das sich die periode durch die gürtelrose oder das zostex verschiebt ?

Vielen Dank.

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2 years ago

We got on the 27th. Cycle day in the afternoon made an early test with 10 ieu/l and on the 28th Cycle day tomorrow with morning

That was meaningless. Even a very sensitive early test is positive at the earliest from 9 days after ovulation.

You obviously want to exclude a pregnancy reliably and this is only possible from 19 days after traffic, or 14 days after ovulation.

Why 19 days?

Because sperms can wait for ovulation in the woman for up to five days after sexual intercourse, fertilization can still occur if ovulation occurs during this period.

From the successful fertilization, it takes just 14 days until there is reliably enough HCG in the urine to be able to prove it by a test.

Can it be that the period shifts through the belt rose or the zostex?

Yes. No woman is a clockwork, and the period can also shift through stress, diet or infectious disease. In the year, fluctuations of up to 7 days are still normal.

Now should actually start the period yesterday/today according to the app

Forget the app. Such apps are very unreliable and “rate” based on the data you have already entered when the period may come. This can coincide with a very regular cycle. Or not.

next to the cold: headaches, sweating, inner restlessness and partial breathing pain

Very common general symptoms and no signs of pregnancy.

2 years ago

I would just test if it was clearly overdue. Everything else can, but does not have to vote.

A few days of fluctuations within a cycle are normal and can always occur – especially if a disease could have “hining stuffed”.

When I see it right, did you have unprotected GV on the 20th day of the cycle? If the cycle had shifted in such a way that the ovulation had only taken place (all very theoretically), then a test can not yet show a reliable result, but only 19 days after the unprotected GV.

So you only have (or at the latest) security if the period has not already appeared by then.

2 years ago

You could have saved the question. If you don’t know how to know. Apart from a pregnancy test, there is nothing to be found.