Schwanger mit 19?
Hallo ihr lieben,
gestern habe ich erfahren, dass ich mit 19 schwanger bin. Heute bricht eine Welt für mich zusammen. Ich steh kurz vor Ende meiner Ausbildung. Nächste Woche ist meine Prüfung. Ich habe ein Angebot für ein unbefristeten Vertrag ohne Probezeit nach der Ausbildung bekommen und ich weiß jetzt nicht ob ich den unterschreiben soll, ohne was zu sagen oder etwas zu sagen. Mein Verdienst nach der Ausbildung wäre nur 2400 € brutto und ich weiß nicht ob ich das stemmen kann mit einem Kind zusammen aber ich kann mir auch keine Abtreibung vorstellen meine Eltern stehen hinter mir der Kindesvater leider nicht. Ich weiß nicht mehr weiter. Habt ihr Ideen?
Yeah, definitely. Take the exam and sign the contract. And of course you don’t say anything about pregnancy at your workplace until you have not signed the contract.
In addition, I would recommend making an appointment at pregnancy conflict counselling.
On the one hand, if a pregnancy is an option, you would have to go there, on the other hand you will also be comprehensively advised about financial assistance and opportunities for support.
Good luck!
Hey, don’t be afraid of what’s coming to you. All life is always a change. Of course, it’s not really nice that it was unplanned. I don’t know your backgrounds why it happened…but one thing I can tell you, there’s the “perfect” moment for NOTS in the world. Every person is looking for the right moment and you can always find something that doesn’t fit into their lives. But you say so beautiful “what doesn’t fit, is made fitting”. And believe me, even if it’s terrifying for you now, you’ll do it. You are 19 and now strikes a responsibility, but you can get used to everything when man realizes that you have to change something. And in 5, 10…20 years you’ll be really happy that it happened as it happened. The world will be working for you somewhere. This is not a loss, but also a gift somewhere, look at it.
First of all, you should talk to the child’s father, as he stands to you two. If that’s settled, focus on your exam, start your work, you have an indefinite contract, that’s super.
2400,– don’t sound much, but if necessary you’re entitled to a living allowance, the child’s father is obliged to pay, you’ll get child’s money for the baby.
If you don’t want to do abortion, you’ll be able to do it, surely your family won’t let you down.
Good luck!
Go on your way, with 19 you get at least a “fresh” baby. With the support of your parents, you should not be afraid of the future!
Happy You and Your Baby!
Shoot the producer in the wind – hopefully he will at least financially fulfill his duties!
Also with 39 you get a fresh baby.
Unfortunately not! The risks are rising with the age of life!
I do not read any advice in the answer or in the commentary.
You can beat everything, even my well-meaning advice into the wind, because you know everything better anyway; I didn’t mean anything bad about it, of course!
Yes, I can.
I’m not the questioner.
You can’t judge it inconsistently!
If you decide for the baby, you will have to talk to the female doctor and the midwife anyway, they will tell you nothing else.
And that’s why a child of a 39-year-old “unfresh”, “gambled”? I don’t think so.
In addition, a young age does not guarantee risk-free pregnancy. And on the other hand, there are plenty of pregnant women beyond the 35 with completely problem-free pregnancy (and healthy, non-disabled babies).
I would advise you not to say it first. You must not quit because of your pregnancy and ask them not or may not. you don’t have to tell the truth. If you sign the contract you have a job first and if you cancel the training now, then you start from 0.
You can do this without your father, as you have your parents. Good luck for you
Even if the child’s father is not behind You know, he’s still subject to maintenance.
Get help and let you advise, often it is good to listen to the advice of uninterrupted people.
I see the best way for you and your child when you finish the training as planned and definitely sign the contract without proclaiming your pregnancy. It is definitely not the duty to say the pregnancy directly.
if you don’t sign then you don’t even have the 2400 euros and as soon as your pregnancy progresses daily you find very hard a nine job. In addition, you must not be cancelled in an unlimited contract on your pregnancy. So you have a safe source of income and with the support of your parents you can do it in any case. As a single parent, you can ask for help from the state