Schwanger mit 17?

Hallo, ich stell diese Frage für eine Freundin, schreibe trotzdem in der ich-Perspektive.


Hallo, ich bin 17 Jahre alt und ungeplant Schwanger. Gestern früh hab ich den Test gemacht nachdem ich 2 Wochen überfällig war. Er war positiv und nun bin ich total überfordert.

  1. Der Vater des Kindes hat letzte Woche mit mir Schluss gemacht (19) er hat auch schon eine neue Freundin. Es ist ganz klar das er noch kein Kind möchte. Trotzdem möchte/muss ich ihm die Schwangerschaft irgendwie mitteilen allerdings weiß ich nicht wie. Ich war am überlegen ihm einfach ein Bild zu schicken weiß aber nicht ob das asozial ist. Habt ihr da Tipps?
  2. Wie sage ich es meinen Eltern? Ich stecke mit in der Ausbildung und weiß nicht wie ich ihnen das sagen soll
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4 months ago

Wait for the critical 12 weeks.

4 months ago

Then I’ll write in the form, or it’ll be weird. 😉

Call him or write a message clearly what is now. “I’m pregnant and you’re the father.” It doesn’t have to be blooming. Whoever has a new one so fast doesn’t deserve it carefully.

Your parents are as gentle as it is. They’re your parents they love you and worry. Then give them time to swallow and do not take the first reaction to heart.

The more open and honest I was with my parents when I had messed up so quiet they were and then caught me.

Because of the child. Do nothing unconsidered or something out of the effect.

Children are not an end to the world. You can also create your training with them. And what no one tells you about abortion, you can get a damage for life. Huge and/or emotional. So take care of it.

I wish you all good. Be careful.

4 months ago
Reply to  MiaM0304

I understand, and you two have my fullest compassion.

The times I think are over where it was bad the children were called. Because it feels sad so often that it is “normal”.

A father/father does not necessarily have to be the producer today. Maybe you can find someone who likes to take the role and earns this title. If you don’t want to surrender, your crumb still needs a father figure, which can also be your Papa(Opa), there are things you can’t give with you as a mother or father alone.

I wish you a lot of strength and you two good.

4 months ago

“dein crumbs” like sweet hahaha

4 months ago

So you should tell the ex and if he stays away from you, you have to take a picture.

Parents can’t tell you all react differently…