Schwanger mit 14, was tun?
Wie ihr schon der Überschrift entnehmen könnt bin ich 14 und habe heute zwei schwangerschafts Tests gemacht und beide waren positiv. Ich war in den letzten Tagen müde und so ein bisschen angeschlagen und hatte vor rund 2-2,5 Monaten ungeschützten sex mit meinem etwas älteren Freund (16). Ich hatte zudem Zeitpunkt noch nicht meine Periode, weshalb wir dachten wir müssten nicht Verhüten. Was soll ich jetzt tun? Wie groß ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit dass ich wirklich schwanger bin? Niemand weiß bis jetzt davon Bescheid. Mein Verhältnis zu meinen Eltern ist auch so lala und mein Freund wird davon auch nicht begeistert sein…Was soll ich jetzt machen? Bin am verzweifeln
In the case of two correctly performed tests with the same result and 2 months after the possible conception, it is likely that the test result is correct.
The stupid thing is: to undo and forget it is not possible. So the option that it just never happened and accordingly has no effect on your relationship with your parents, for example, is simply not there. Yeah, shit, but it’s like that.
Well, there’s gonna have to be an unsightly conversation with your parents. You don’t get around. The only question is: What kind of conversation do you want to lead with them?
And here I would say that it is better to say now that you are unhappy pregnant and to think together about whether you want to take the child out, whether you all pose the challenge together. Or if you prefer to break it off as long as there is still the possibility.
This will be a lot more pleasant than if your parents eventually realize that you are pregnant and you will tell them that they will become grandparents, basically become parents again because you can’t care for the child alone, and it’s too late to change anything.
A common crisis is also a chance to see how important one is and to get a good relationship with one another.
That your friend is not thrilled, that would be my least concern. He made the same decision to screw up unguarded. And with 16 it was clear to him (normal spiritual development presumed) that he is taking the risk of digging you. He still decided against the rubber and now gets the result of this decision. So that’s what he did.
Long story short: Search as fast as possible the conversation with your parents. Maybe it’s better if you catch both parents separately. And maybe it’s better if you’re going to trust a good friend before, and she’s going to join you in conversation with your parents.
Think together if you want and can have a child. Let yourself be with a consultancy organization like per familia advise what alternatives there are to abortion.
I wish you all in this difficult time!
Go to the doctor and tell your parents and friend. Make sure you want to keep the child or don’t want to run away. You have to hope your friend doesn’t leave you and keep your parents to you.
But in the end, the guilt of you and your friend, as you had unprotected sex, it is not always said without reason when sex, then it is prevented.
Still Good
And if you keep the child, I hope it will be a healthy happy child.
You can also get pregnant before the first period because the first ovulation takes place before the first period, so you can get pregnant if you don’t have your period yet.
The first step would now be to go to the gynecologist and confirm pregnancy. Maybe you’re not pregnant at all and the tests were wrong/error. In the case of gynecologists you can also determine how far you are and whether pregnancy is intact.
Then you have to tell your parents. There’s no way around it! Your friend and his family must also know.
If you have actually been pregnant 2 to 2.5 months ago, you might still be able to take off. If you want to keep it, you need to contact the youth office and apply for help if you need it.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
How about not having 14 sex? And then unprotected….
I would say the easiest and most likely safest it is to tell your parents and friend and then ne abortion under medical supervision.
I don’t know if I can do an abortion…
Then only the child remains to be kept. This does not improve the situation.
Right. And then it with 18 back to hollow
There would also be the option to take the child and release it for adoption after birth.
It is very likely that you are pregnant, you cannot get pregnant only from the first period but from the first ovulation, which is about 14 days before the first period and you do not notice that, and if two test are positive you are probably already pregnant. However, you should let a female doctor confirm pregnancy.
You won’t get to tell your parents and your friend.
You should do that too quickly, because you must ultimately decide whether you are wearing the child or rubbing it off, and because you can’t take care of a child with 14 (all because of the money and because you have to go to school) your parents would have to support it properly and your friend would have to carry out the child even if you ever have to. Otherwise, you have to stop, and this only goes up to the 12th week of pregnancy, and if this is already 8-10 weeks, it must be relatively timely.
I wish you a lot of strength for the coming time
Was the test thick positive or was the line easy
Well, both lines are about equal
Take a picture
You should make a doctor’s appointment, he’ll do a blood test.
Who of your parents can you trust more, where is the wire better?
Probably my dad my mother will probably kill me or so
No, she won’t do that! You have to talk to them. You can’t do it alone. Happy!
You should go to your female doctor and see if you’re really pregnant.
If so, you need to talk to your parents and find a solution.
With 14 you will probably not be able to raise a child mentally or physically.
This is not a doll…..
How do I make an appointment when I’m not with anyone until now? Are they gonna get me somewhere?
You call there and ask for an appointment. Can say you’re probably pregnant.
Prevention also helps to avoid bad diseases….