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1 year ago

No. Pregnancy and period at the same time is biologically impossible.

1 year ago

Well. So you want to know if your partner already had her fertile days, even though she still had her period?

Yeah, no, maybe.

Here is a small basic course on “when women are fertile”.

In order to get pregnant, it takes a mature egg and sperm. A mature egg exists in the body of the woman only and exclusively at the time of ovulation until about 24 hours thereafter. Then the egg died.

Sperm, in turn, can survive up to five days in the woman and wait for a mature egg.

Pregnancies therefore go only on the five days before ovulation until about one day thereafter (“fertile days”). After this time, there is no fertilizing egg in the female body until the next ovulation and without mature egg for fertilization, there is no pregnancy.

And when is the ovulation?

The ovulation takes 12 to 16 daysBefore the next period.

In a cycle of 28 days, the ovulation would therefore be between day 12 and day 16 – cycle day 1 is the first day of the period.

The problem here: no woman is a machine and cycles can be longer or shorter. On a yearly basis, fluctuations of up to seven days are completely normal and some women in general have short cycles and some are long.

Cycles between 23 and 35 days are considered completely normal. The ovulation thus takes place (depending on the cycle length) sometime between cycle day (ZT) 7 and ZT 23 – and consequently the fertile phase is somewhere between ZT 2 and ZT 24. Consequently, in a short cycle in combination with an early ovulation it is absolutely possible to get pregnant even during sex during the period bleeding.

And only when the next period bleeding begins can you say at least about when the ovulation was.

That’s why it would be smarter to always prevent pregnancy from being unintentional.