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1 year ago

Absolutely impossible.

In order to get pregnant, it takes a mature egg and sperm. A mature egg exists in the body of the woman only and exclusively at the time of ovulation until about 24 hours thereafter. Then the egg died.

Sperm, in turn, can survive up to five days in the woman and wait for a mature egg.

Pregnancies therefore go only on the five days before ovulation until about one day thereafter (“fertile days”). After this time, there is no fertilizing egg in the female body until the next ovulation and without mature egg for fertilization, there is no pregnancy.

And when is the ovulation?

The ovulation takes place 12 to 16 days before the next period.

It is therefore completely excluded that fertilization can take place one day before the period.

In any case, a normal period in usual length, type and strength is a very safe sign to NOT be pregnant.

Please focus on the foundations of reproduction and appropriate prevention for the future!

1 year ago

First of all, if the GV was on the last day of your cycle, then the chance is to get pregnant, practically at zero. This cup went over again to you!

In principle, however, I recommend you to inform you about contraception and if you do not want to decide for a hormonal contraception or you can have at least one or two rubbers in your pocket. They can be easily placed in a matchbook if you carefully remove the matches. This protects the rubber from damage caused by the other things in your pockets and disguises it very well against volatile looks.

And your partner’s ears are long-drawn. He should’ve got a clothing for his little friend.

p.s. it can’t hurt if you practice the ‘overdrawing’ sufficiently so that it works smoothly and error-free and does not annoy.

I wish you all, all, lots of fun!

1 year ago

If it really is the period, then no.