Schwanger durch Penis am scheideneingabg?

Ich hatte keinen Sex, er hat nur seinen Penis an mir gerieben und eben auch am scheideneingang. Ich hab jetzt total Angst schwanger zu werden… nicht das ein lusttropfen raus kam und ich deshalb jetzt schwanger werde weil ich gelesen habe das Ejakulat am vaginaeingang eben schwanger Machen kann…

ich nehme zwar die Pille aber ich weiß nicht ob sie wirklich richtig wirkt, ich mach mir so sorgen… der Apotheker meinte die Medikamente setzen die Pille nicht außer Kraft aber ich mach mir so schlimme Gedanken das ich schwanger sein könnte jetzt

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2 years ago

Pill, no direct GV – worry is unfounded. And the damn drop doesn’t come unannounced.. As long as he didn’t do half an hour “beanie – bald” – there’s no drop.

2 years ago

because I have read the ejaculate at the vagina entrance can make just pregnant…

That’s nonsense. To be pregnant, the penis must have been right in the vagina. Since he wasn’t, a pregnancy is more than unlikely, even if he had come right. Because the sperm would have flowed far more outside to you than into your vagina.

2 years ago
Reply to  HXRKRYS

Yes, that’s why the sperm comes out to get deep into the vagina.

2 years ago
Reply to  Abdallah128

Apart from the fact that the sperm does not get out with every manSquirt, semen never enters the vagina or uterus if the penis is not in the first. No matter if the sperm is squirting or not.

2 years ago

That’s what I meant when the man comes in the vagina, the sperm is injected out; for one more with others less to get as close as possible to the womb and thus to increase the chance of fertilization.I had expressed misunderstanding.

2 years ago

This is practically impossible even if there was a lust drop.

The lust drops do not come from the testicles and therefore cannot contain sperm. However, it is still possible to get pregnant. For example, if sperms are still in the urethra from a previous ejaculation, they can be “blurred” together with the lust drop. In addition, sperm can also get into the urinary tube even in the case of sexual excitation from the secondary ears and sperm conductors.

2 years ago
Reply to  Abdallah128

No this one case – which confirms the rule – did. Even with AV there is a candidate.. 🙈

2 years ago
Reply to  ST4RSCRE4M

As said practically impossible, is a minimal restriction, since it is not completely impossible

2 years ago

If the pharmacist has confirmed that it has no influence on contraception, that will probably be right.

If you take the pill correctly, you don’t have to worry!

2 years ago

Very unlikely. You prevent hormonal and in the lust drop the seed concentration is very low to zero. In addition, not every man produces enough lust to leave the penis at all. Did you have your fertile days?

You can’t wait for a lot.

2 years ago
Reply to  teelicht29

Right, but do you set the pill for the period? Then you could calculate when they were theoretical.