Schwanger auf Party gehen?
ich bin 17 und schwanger Ende sechster Monat. Das heißt man sieht schon einen Bauch. Mein Freund ist auf der Party seines besten Freundes und ich will eigentlich auch mit. Allerdings habe ich Angst, wie die Blicke sein werden und mit dem Alkohol. Ich würde natürlich nichts trinken! Würdet ihr gehen?
Say hello.
Looks shouldn’t worry.
You’ve become pregnant and not a monster.
That’s how you need to assess what you can trust. That’s different for every pregnant woman.
Anyway, I don’t know a reason to talk about it.
All good wishes and
Greetings from Berlin
As long as you’re okay, you don’t mind going to a party. I don’t see a problem with the alcohol, mam, the pregnancy looks at you. Everyone will understand that you don’t drink alcohol.
Have fun and enjoy the evening. When the baby’s here, you’re not gonna have a chance to go to a party for a long time.
I think if I were pregnant I would rather rest but if it suits you why not:) And most people will believe that you don’t drink when they see you’re pregnant. All good 🍀
Well, she’s not sick in the 6th. Month is still fit
Of course:) It’s different for everyone
What about the alcohol if you don’t drink?
If you want to go to party and party, go ahead. But if you would only come to monitor/control your friend, or if you prefer to make a relaxed evening at home, stay at home.
Your friend’s friends will know you’re getting a kid anyway – you don’t have to give up a party now, just to keep it out.
Then ._.
I would leave it
At parties you don’t have to drink alcohol because there are enough delicious drinks where no turns have. I’d do it.
If my partner was pregnant I would give up the party and take care of her and look for your belly, you don’t need to worry even if someone says you’re pregnant so you don’t need to note these words
No, your child and you need a lot of rest. I would be very careful
It depends on a party. If it goes wild to the thing, it’s not a case… if it’s normal, that’s what’s going on.
Of course not
I don’t think that’s serious.
You want us do not understand.
You obviously don’t want to understand me at all.
Obviously you’ve never worked in the service. The is physically exhausting.
Oh, man, let’s be good
The IST physically strenuous work! You run and stand all day.
Please read correctly, my goodness. In the service, yes nice, I said that it is not about office work etc., but actively about physically strenuous work 🙄
This is physical work…
Unfug. Of course you can. I worked in the service during my first pregnancy until maternity protection, I always went well and the child did not harm it either.
You’ve never been pregnant, have you?
You can. Only certain activities do not, for example, regularly raise more than 5kg.
So you can’t do any physically strenuous work.
There are enough pages on which you can read this.
Either way, the employer also decides whether he can make an appropriate job or whether the pregnant and her female doctor can.
As stated, few professions are only possible with the transfer to other areas.
What are certain limitations?
Uh, with certain limitations, yes.
Don’t you? So you can work pregnant on a building site? As a rooftop? Furniture packers? Police? All right…
Just ask yourself, obviously you’ve never been pregnant.
What exactly do you define as physical work? There are professions in which one cannot afford pregnant.
So nothing for bad, but you have more than proved that you should not be questioned for pregnancy
I hope not physical work… that can go badly. I’m logically not talking about office work, but physical work, if that somehow didn’t happen.
By the way, I know professionally quite well with pregnancy in case you ask.
I’ve been pregnant for a couple of times and worked to protect my mother. You’re pregnant neither sick nor anything else.
No, you can’t be serious now. Please let yourself know what to avoid in pregnancy and why.
You can work physically.
Of course, you cannot work pregnant and do physical work. And sorry, but it’s something else to get into the train or deliberately to a place with drunken young people
As I said, you can’t work pregnant either, drive train, walk or drive..
That was just an example, as I said…a stupid idea of a drunken youth and that can end badly.
Um, and you never heard that you’re getting pregnant. Isn’t it really normal?
You’ve never seen young people in your life, have you?
Why would you hit her belly? It’s not something typical.
And something like that can happen to you when shopping or working or on the train.
There are various other young people who consume alcohol. There’s only one drunk who needs to come up with a stupid idea or hit her against her belly and already “speaks about it.” If it was just about her own life, she should calm down. But she chose the child and thus also the responsibility to keep the child safe.
Yes. There is absolutely nothing against drugs and alcohol.
Don’t get rich only if you’re mistaken about the abdomen.
Don’t understand why there are so many of the harmless
Either because they have no idea or because their own children don’t care.