Schwanger, abtreiben oder lieber behalten?

Hallo allerseits

Ich habe heute erfahren, dass ich schwanger bin. Ich hab dann den Mann angerufen der mich geschwängert hat und es ihm gesagt. Er hat sich total gefreut und gesagt dass wir das schaffen, dann hat er gefragt ob wir zusammen sein wollen (wir waren vorher kein Paar, jetzt sind wir es erst)

Im ersten Moment fand ich seine Reaktion sehr schön und war auch glücklich, aber seit Stunden sitze ich hier und denke darüber nach, ob wir das wirklich machen sollten.

Meine Bedenken: Wir sind erst seit heute zusammen und das auch mehr oder weniger durch das Baby, wir wären zwar wahrscheinlich sowieso zusammengekommen aber vielleicht erst was später. Der Punkt ist aber, dass wir gar nicht wissen, wie wir als Paar funktionieren bzw. ob das überhaupt Zukunft hat. Wir haben diese ganzen Schritte einfach übersprungen, eigene Wohnung, gemeinsamer Urlaub, „ernsthaftere“ Streitereien bei denen die Beziehung wirklich auf die Probe gestellt wird. Woher sollen wir wissen, ob wir ein Kind großziehen können?

Ich habe ihm meine Bedenken später mitgeteilt und er meinte wieder nur, dass wir das schon irgendwie schaffen. Aber er meinte auch wenn ich es abtreiben will, unterstützt er mich weil es mein Körper ist und es meine Entscheidung ist letztendlich.

Jedenfalls wollte ich euch fragen, wie ihr darüber denkt, wie würdet ihr in meiner Situation handeln? Ich weiß nämlich echt nicht weiter..

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2 years ago


You would have come together anyway. Whether you work as a pair, we do not know, can be, or not.

The question is, do you want the child? Would you like to raise it up by yourself in the worst case?

If you want, you can arrange a consultancy appointment for example at Pro Familia.

Friendly greetings


2 years ago

I understand your concerns. But I am not in your skin, do not know your circumstances, your financial situation, your plans, not even your age.

You still have some time to think about it. Talk to friends, your parents, etc. Often you need help with baby spontaneously, and there it is good if you have an environment that it carries with you – plus the father

2 years ago

Hello, you don’t know what to do right now is normal. You did the positive pregnancy test yesterday! You need time for the surprise to sit down. Even if women become “planned” pregnant, it’s especially when you really are. It will only be real with time for oneself ðŸTM‚

That the man puts himself so to you is really very sweet and strong of him. He must love you and he’s a lot of you. How old are you? If you’re going to be a bit too fast, as he suggests – you could have time passed and continue to be together as before. Continue to meet, get to know, do things together – for example go to the female doctor’s appointment 😉 The doctor will confirm pregnancy. So you can let the surprise sit down.

What’s going to happen to you when you talk to the baby? Get your time – you don’t have to do anything. Are you going to work or are you still in training or studying? What kind of questions do you have? LG

2 years ago

You should definitely be advised. You need the certificate anyway for a possible abortion.

But first and foremost, it is an emotional question. You must be aware that you have to live with your choice for the rest of your life. You basically want the child or you don’t want it. If you only go to this decision with your mind, you lay the foundation for your misfortune.

2 years ago

You seem to have the absolute jackpot. A man who wants to be with you in both situations.

The question is now how you stand for your pregnancy and I would make the decision dependent on it. Because many other couples have come together in this way, some of them fail. You can never foresee.

Personally, I can tell you that I would always decide to abortion. That’s because my husband and I just don’t want children, neither now, nor later.

Whatever you decide, I wish you good luck. 💐

2 years ago

Let Pro Familia advise you.

There is never a guarantee for a relationship and not even a road map

2 years ago

First of all, it’s nice to see you. Not all of them do. You should discuss with him the upcoming problems, best with professional help.

  • Who deserves how much?
  • Who cares how much for the child?
  • Where do you live?
  • How should your life look in 5, 10, 20 years?
  • What are you going to regret?
  • Can and will your parents support you?
  • What freedoms are important to you, even if you are in a relationship?
  • Will you possibly lose friends if you don’t have so much time for them?

If you then see more clearly what the child means for both of you, the answer to your question may become clearer.

2 years ago

My opinion is:

You and the father are moving together and the child is raised together.


… He was really happy and he said we were gonna do this, and he asked if we wanted to be together…

This announcement is a very clear yes to mother and child. Also a very big sign he likes to take responsibility for mother and child.

The child earned you both as parents.

abortion; Baby hatch or adoption is the most common thing you can do as a becoming mother to the child and father.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kannixverstan

abortion; Baby hatch or adoption is the most common thing you can do as a becoming mother to the child and father.

Is it so hard to stay neutral? If she thinks she’s trying to run away, that’s all right and her good right.

2 years ago

Was he just a non-binding fun friend for you? Then mutual contraception would have been better.

Now the child has been born and actually deserves parents who take responsibility for their actions.

Whether the producer is not only a man of words, but also of action, nobody can know here. At first glance, however, he did not show himself absent, which is rarely the case with surprise pregnancy.

Only you can assess whether other things have been said to him or not except sex that qualify him as a firm partner and also a father.

Are you old enough and financially able to have a child?

Sometimes life goes unusual ways. They may be afraid at the first moment, but you can also walk them when you talk to each other and also take external help to get clarity.

In this case, the pro familia would be.