

laut meiner App hatte ich vor 5 Tagen meinem Eisprung… mein Freund und ich haben uns mitreißen lassen und vergessen zu verhüten und hatte an den drei Tagen danach mehrere Male ungeschützten Sex, jedoch hatte er keinen Orgasmus. Ich habe Angst das ich schwanger bin… weiß jemand ab wann genau man gucken kann ob man schwanger ist/ wann der sst gültig ausfallen wird?😬🥺

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2 years ago

So if your ovulation was already over when you had sex, then the probability of pregnancy is zero.


In order to get pregnant, it takes a mature egg and sperm. A mature egg exists in the body of the woman only and exclusively at the time of ovulation until about 24 hours thereafter. Then the egg died.

Sperm, in turn, can survive up to five days in the woman and wait for a mature egg.

Pregnant therefore only goes on the five days before ovulation until about one day thereafter.After this time, there is no fertilizing egg in the female body until the next ovulation and without ripe egg for fertilization also no pregnancy arises.

The problem is:

What is the ovulation?

The ovulation takes place about 12 to 16 days before the next period. Normal cycles are between 23 and 35 days. The ovulation takes place sometime between cycle day 7 and ZT 23 – and consequently the fertile phase is somewhere between ZT 2 and ZT 24. (Zyklustag 1 is the first day of period bleeding).

If you don’t measure the basal temperature every day, you can’t know when the ovulation was.

Because the cycle can also vary and the younger the woman is, the more likely it is.

When can you do a pregnancy test? From 19 days after sex.

Why 19 days?

Because sperms can wait for ovulation in the woman for up to five days after sexual intercourse, fertilization can still occur if ovulation occurs during this period.

From the successful fertilization it then takes 14 days until there is reliably enough HCG in the urine to be able to prove it by a test.

That’s why it’s 19 days from last sex.

2 years ago

After ovulation this is unlikely, but the ovulation does not always come on time. Before and during the ovulation you are most fertile. So if you came later, you can be pregnant.

Wait for your next period, then you have certainty.

2 years ago

Fertilization after ovulation is very unlikely. Especially since the app cannot foresee the ovulation. Make an early test 19 days after the unprotected GV, otherwise wait to see if you get your days.

2 years ago

With your lady doctor, you can have a blood test after a few days.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaffee219

I’m on vacation and don’t want to be safe for as long as my family doesn’t realize that…

2 years ago

Unfortunately, you don’t have to wait until you get back from vacation and make an appointment with the woman doctor.

Please just learn from it if you don’t want to get pregnant… take the antibaby pills and condom IMMER.

Talk to the woman doctor about possible contraception and do not rely on an app 😊

2 years ago

100% security you will only get a visit with a female doctor. But it is too early to say if fertilization took place.

2 years ago

Exactly I don’t know…but you could wait until you get your period and see if it’s not time to make a test

2 years ago
Reply to  Na080709

Yes I did a test today, but I would have my period only in about 10 days and therefore do not know if it is valid or not

2 years ago

Yes I did a test today

Unfortunately, you weren’t so smart to read the supplement…

2 years ago

Well then wait but if he’s positive it can be good that you’re pregnant

2 years ago
Reply to  Na080709

But I’m on vacation and I don’t want to be sure, not that someone from my family realizes that…

2 years ago

Sry my phone spins answer somehow always in the wrong comment

2 years ago

If the test made shows another result after several hours/days, the invalid is also in the package leaflet.

After a few days after the GV, no test shows a reliable result, only after 19 days after the GV. What’s in the package.

2 years ago

Wait till your rule when you get them you don’t know you’re pregnant when you don’t get them you can take care of them

2 years ago

With valid I also mean if it could not show another result in a few days, because now only a few days have passed

2 years ago

Then you know if the test is valid or not.

2 years ago

But I read it through

2 years ago

If you have sex after ovulation, you won’t get pregnant.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jersinia

That’s a fucking app and no look inside the body!

2 years ago
Reply to  Mirarmor


2 years ago
Reply to  Mirarmor

An ovulation is not an app.

2 years ago

I never said…

2 years ago

The app can’t see the ovulation…

2 years ago

* but there it is