hallo đź’•
ich hatte vor ca 3 Wochen Sex ohne Kondom, 2 Tage vor meinen fruchtbaren Tagen und habe am nächsten Tag die Pille danach genommen. Ich hatte 6 Tage später Blutungen, meine reguläre Blutung soll morgen erst kommen. Ich habe seit 1 Woche immer so ein leeres Gefühl im Bauch, es fühlt sich wie Blähungen an und mir ist manchmal schlecht. Ich schlafe dadurch sehr schlecht. Könnte es auf eine Schwangerschaft hindeuten ?
Hello ayliah333,
The symptoms you describe do not necessarily have to indicate pregnancy, especially at this early stage after sex. You can also have other reasons, a gastrointestinal infect, for example, or did you eat something incompatible?
In addition, the pill contains a high hormone dose which can cause irregular bleeding.
It may take some time until your cycle replays.
Can this calm you a little, even if your period doesn’t come as expected?
Or did you get your period?
If you don’t, would you dare make a test? If the GV was 3 weeks ago, you would get a safe result.
Do you have someone who could be there if you’re doing the test? Your friend or a good friend, maybe? So you don’t have to be alone with it!
Do you like to give a short update?
I wish you could go to Christmas without worry!!
Oh, my God!
P.S. how do you notice your fertile days? With an app? Keep in mind that an app that can never be predicted. You can only say afterward… within these days the ovulation will have been. Surely you can only say it when you test your cycle according to the Sympto-thermal method. Can google after that if you care.
Thank you. This is really very helpful. I haven’t done a test yet, I’m afraid of it. But if my period doesn’t come this month, I’ll do the test. My period is overdue for two days, but it happens more often. I have been using a cycle calendar for 2 years and can therefore reasonably estimate the ovulation/fertile days.
Thanks for your star!
And great when you test your cycle and look at the fertile days.
How exactly does it work with this cycle calendar? What are you wearing, even with temperature measurement and observation of the cervix gland?
Actually exciting, so to observe the changes of the body during a cycle, right?
That your period is often not quite regular is actually completely normal, especially if you are still young. May I ask how old you are?
It can take up to 7 years until the cycle has started. And also after that there can be various reasons, such as stress, infect, excitement of any kind (positive or also anxiety), a diet, etc., which lead to a shift. Our body is not a machine.
Maybe now your fear also helps to keep your period waiting.
Can you try to distract yourself with something relaxing?
If you want, you can write if you want to make a test. I’d be happy to have my mailbox.
Anyway, I’ll tell you the thumbs that you’ll get a warning soon.
Oh, my God!
The pill after that can cause bleeding. A commercial pregnancies is to be made after 19 days and provides a meaningful result.
That’s unlikely. In the very early pregnancy, I felt nothing in my stomach.
“2 days before my fertilization and the next day took the pill after it.”
Fertilization means you got pregnant. You mean the ovulation or how?
There’s almost three weeks around, take a test.
my fertile days