Ich hab diese angst wie jedes zweite Mädchen auch..🥲 wir haben verhütet aber trotzdem ist diese angst daaa. Gestern war der letzte Tag meiner Periode. Die war normal, so wie sie sonst auch bei mir ist. Also keine Implantationsblutung. Symptome hab ich auch keine.
during the period, a pregnancy is not possible….
You can reasonably calculate your ovulation for this there is a temperature and calendar that you have to physically measure yourself.
Knowing when the ovulation is also have less problems after ovulation can eig nix more pass until after the days.
It only helps to give up sex. Then you don’t get pregnant. Men can also have such fears. (Related to the sexual partner)
The fewest girls are afraid to be pregnant when they prevent. How is that supposed to work?
I don’t know. Get a lot, on tiktok, insta etc. This fear is just there anyway.
Insta and TikTok are all about attention, which is achieved mainly with bullshit.
It is biologically impossible to get the period during pregnancy. Bleedings in pregnancy may rarely occur, but one can clearly distinguish them from the usual control bleeding.
Okay.. was just a little confused because many tell that they still got their period during pregnancy. Isn’t that this lubricating bleeding that is significantly less and brighter?
If you’re afraid to get pregnant, even though you’ve already prevented as much as possible, the only choice is to become lesbian;)
Even better xD
If you’ve been obstructed first and there’s no vulnerabilities, why do you have to be pregnant?