Hallo hatte am 01.01 ungeschützen Sex ca 4-5 Tage vor Eisprung , jedoch hatte ich den Eisprung nicht gemerkt.
Jetzt hab ich seit ein paar Tagen mega viel Ausfluss, esse zudem soo viel. Und merke das meine Brustwarzen beim berühren etwas schmerzen.
Außerdem merke ich auch seit gestern ne leichte Übelkeit dies aber eher abends und ich denke vllt wegen dem vielen Essen.
Aber meine Frage ist denkt ihr ich könnte schwanger sein auch wenn es 4-5 Tage vor dem Eisprung war (ja ich weiß es ist seeehr gering)
Ps. Meine Tage habe ich in 9 Tagen
bitte um Mithilfe🙏
Then you wait for your period to expire and then, if necessary, make a pregnancy test.
Happy for you!
Thank you
From 19.1. or if the period leaves you can make a pregnancy test – all the other is riddle rates.
But actually you have no symptoms so fast.
Yes That’s true I’m making it mor a 😬
Yes, I’ll wait.
Yes, that can be very good, for the first time the sperm can survive a few days in the body, or even your ovulation may have come a bit earlier. These may be signs of pregnancy, but do not have to:)
in any case, I wish you to do what you want at the Schwabgerschaftstest!
Many thanks 🙏
The possibility of pregnancy exists. The pain and nausea could come from this because of the HCG hormone that just rises at the beginning of pregnancy quickly.
However, the cravings are far too early.
Just do in 10 days pregnancy test and should be this negative then 3 days later again this is also negative you are not pregnant.
But then the symptoms should stop if pregnant or not, please let the doctor taste.
How about a pregnancy test?
By the way, you should always prevent, even on days where fertilization is unlikely.
Unprobably does not mean impossible.
I want one 🙂
And with test I wait because I’m afraid it’s a wrong result
Then you have to wait.
We can’t look into your uterus.
Possibly yes, only now you will notice less
Yes, I think so in def 4-5 weeks, I wait for my period to come.
Thanks for the answer
Yeah, it’s possible. Such a body is not a Swiss movement.