Mein Freund und ich hatte Sex und haben mit Kondom verhütet. Ich habe nach jedem Mal Angst das ich schwanger bin kann mir jemand helfen wie ich nicht nach jedem Mal Angst haben muss? Außerdem habe ich Manchmal Übelkeit und Unterleibschmerzen und ich fragr mich ob ich schwanger bin… Mein Eisprung ist laut App am Samstag gewesen.
Check Condom afterwards and learn to trust… If you can’t do this, you should better double-prevent, zb by taking the pill or you can measure your cycle with daily temperature, and observing the cervical gland and then you will not have sex in the fertile days.
Thank you
If you’re always afraid to be pregnant then you’re not on the move. Do you even know how a cycle works? If your ovulation should have been Saturday, you would never have had signs of pregnancy in life 😂
So I was afraid of the ovulation traffic why I’m afraid or do you think you can’t have any signs so early? Thank you for your info
If you don’t trust one contraception, you should additionally put on a second. Let the doctor advise you.
Then take a test. or go to the female doctor.
If I liked but a test can only show reliable results 6 days before the period so I ask others what they think…