Ich hatte vor eins bis zwei monaten unverhütet sex
Er hat zwar rausgezogen bevor er gekommen ist
aver ich bin mir trotzdem unsicher
Ich hab auch die pille danach genommen
ich hatte meine periode bereits zweimal zur erwarteten zeit
Aber ich weiss nicht ob das einnistungsblutungen waren
Allerdings hab ich seit paar wochen einen blähbauch obwohl ich nichts an meiner ernährung umgestellt habe
und wie gewohnt esse
ich hab auch unterleibsscerzen obwohl ich meine periode nicht bekomme
Aber ich hab schon drei schwamgerschaftstests die negativ waren
Und es ist auch nicht einfach einem gynäkologen zu finden der zeitnah termine vergibt
Hat jemand tipps?
No, there’s only a bleeding, and when you usually don’t see it. Quite rarely, you really have a very light pink/red slime in the drain or on the toilet paper.
A bleeding takes place 5-12 days after ovulation. Mostly on the 9th day after the ovulation. Only then does the actual classification take place. Before that, the fertilized egg spends its time reaching the uterus from egg guides and sharing the cells several times. A bleeding is often hardly visible and rarely emerges from the body. So it’s not a safe and obvious sign and doesn’t always appear! This is how instinct bleedings look when they are to be seen:
You don’t get the period during pregnancy.EXECUTIVE!
As soon as the period entry is a pregnancy excluded from the last cycle. The period is the beginning of a new cycle which means the old one is now completely unimportant and to the end.
During the period, the cervical mucosa is ejected. When you get pregnant, the egg nests in the mucosa before the period. So if you were pregnant and you get your period, the cervical mucosa (in which there is also the nested egg) will be kicked off and you are no longer pregnant. So one cannot have the period at the same time and be pregnant. It’s just not going!
Clearly people tell a lot, there are also those who then say they would have been getting their days completely regular and in normal strength. From a purely biological point of view, I think this is completely impossible.
So you can trust that if you get the period is not pregnant. Point out. You can have bleeding but these are not regular, not as strong and go without further symptoms. There are more lubrication bleedingclearlymake it different from the period!
In summary:
This together means clearly and irrevocably that you are not pregnant and cannot be pregnant.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
A flower tree is not a sign of pregnancy.
Belly pain is not a sign of pregnancy.
So pure from the symptoms you are NOT pregnant.
You had your days twice at the expected time. This excludes pregnancy.
You should trust the three tests – if you have applied them correctly – if you should be very young, the rule bleeding can already fail – especially if you’re doing you for ….bin i pregnant ..stress.
Timely…exploring at different FAs to get an appointment that will probably tell you – not pregnant.
So you’re not pregnant either.
No, you’re not pregnant.
No, you’re not pregnant.
You are definitely NOT pregnant.
you’re not pregnant. bleeding are a few droplets of bright blood.
you had normal your period.
Not pregnant.