schwaches herz?

Guten Abend, ich hätte eine frage an euch, ein bsp mit kaffee: jedesmal wenn ich Kaffee trinke zittere ich innerlich irgendwie und habe herzrasen. An normalen Tagen ohne kaffee habe ich manchmal auch herzschmerzen, spüre es ab und zu bis zum arm, hin und wieder ist mein arm taub, oder an manchen tagen habe ich flattern am herz. Ich war beim arzt hatte dann eine kontrolle aber man sagt es sei nichts, nur ist einem Arzt aufgefallen, dass mein herz zu schnell schlägt. Sollte ich trotzdem was unternehmen?(Ich bin 17 habe es seit ca 4/5 jahren)

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2 years ago

Go to the doctor and let you examine. Maybe you have a high blood pressure or a metabolic disorder.

Do you drink alcohol or smoke? Are you taking other drugs? Are you moving too little?

All this can lead to such things. Anyway, go to the family doctor. He’ll send you to a cardiologist.

2 years ago
Reply to  stceer

Then there’s only one. You pity yourself and need attention from other people. You should strengthen your self-esteem and move yourself regularly. This also strengthens the heart muscles. If you had a weak heart, the doctors would have found it,

2 years ago

You can imagine pain. This is called a hypochonder. And if you’ve been with so many doctors and no one has found anything, it’s just that – no matter if you had a bad childhood or not.

2 years ago

It’s probably because of all caffeine

2 years ago
Reply to  stceer

Maybe because you’ve already consumed so much, so even if you’ve stopped a time, your body is still hurt or was it before you started with coffee?

2 years ago
Reply to  stceer

And then it’s strange to me

2 years ago

If you react to caffeine, you should have the coffee drink. Furthermore, your doctor is your sensitive partner.

2 years ago
Reply to  stceer

Don’t you remember what you wrote?

On normal days without coffee I sometimes have heartaches, feel it sometimes to the poor, my poor deaf is sometimes

That should be explained.

2 years ago

Just because the symptoms are similar or equal, it does not have to be the same for a long time and can have nothing to do with the heart.

I am a person with experience and knowledge, sometimes noticed at the edge and refuse to go into the details without basic facts.

Facts can only be found by a doctor, e.g. by investigations. So nothing else will be left to you and nothing else I’ll tell you all the time.

Was with the doctor <- says not from WANN you were with the doctor. Again one of your secrets. If that was recently, you must not doubt your doctor's statement that nothing is.

2 years ago

You’re not supposed to ask people who know, but go to the doctor again if you feel something is wrong. If you have any idea, there is no decision on the lean facts base, without investigation results and EKG.

Whether you want to go to the doctor, you have to decide alone or ask your parents if necessary.

2 years ago

I quoted your text that you obviously do not consider.

You also give complaints to OHNE coffee and let it be cleared. What is there to understand?