Schwache Periode?

Ich habe seit Donnerstag meine Periode. Und seit dem nehme ich auch die Pille aber meine Periode ist zum Verhältnis diesmal sehr schwach. Was könnte das sein?

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1 year ago

Hello Anni35655

The bleeding (not period, when taking pills you have a bleeding) can already be weaker, come late or even fail, she also says nothing about whether you are pregnant or not. It is only important that the pill break never lasts longer than 7 days. On the eighth day you start again with the first pill of the new blister, regardless of whether you had a bleeding or whether it still stops.

If the drug interferes with the protection (if you get out of the package leaflet of the drug, you are no longer protected. However, you need to additionally prevent the next 7 uninterrupted days of taking pills after placing the drug. The pill Qlaira is 9 days. If you are not protected during the break, you must have the first 7 or 9 days of new pill intake additionally prevent

Greetings HobbyTfz

1 year ago

Could be the pill. Just read the package leaflet, this is not so difficult and is also not complicated written but easy to understand!

1 year ago

Could be on the pill.

1 year ago

You don’t have a period anymore, but a bleeding when you take the pill.

1 year ago

It is not uncommon that the period sometimes falls stronger and sometimes weaker.