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I want to express it like this: I’ve been woostered twice, so a total of four times vaccinated against Corona and hasn’t been sick for about three years and not ill. Consequently, I had no corona or at least did not notice it. Of course, everyone goes differently with the active ingredients of these vaccines and not only the vaccines are different, but the immune system of each individual person. But at least the vaccinations (in contrast to flu vaccinations) had no negative consequences for me.
In my personal environment, some people have had Corona several times in recent years. Whether it was due to their caution or at least partly because I was vaccinated, I can’t evaluate, but the fact is that I either didn’t have it, or a so mild course that I didn’t notice it.
Even if you’re guilty of vaccination…
… neither DICH before infection
…. still OTHER before you are infected.
They’re the fairy tales they told people so they can get in touch.
Because – as the time after vaccination has shown, so many people suddenly get “Corona” – although the pandemic has long been over, even because the Federal Republic of Germany has somehow not been able to do that.
Also, the vaccination does not protect against serious fluctuations in ductility. Many 3- to 5-fold vaccinations are noticeably caused by massive disorders such as pneumonia, lung abortion, cardiac muscle inflammation and many other diseases that never occurred in this frequency before the vaccinations.
… and before the death “through Corona” the vaccination does not even protect. Because the mortality rate has risen massively at the end of 2021.
An interpretation of what they spread here to medical untruths!!!
Please leave comments if they have no idea of matter, thank you!!!
It reduces the risk of a serious course and for the transmission of the virus.
of course you don’t have a 100% security. But the impacts protect well from heavy processes.
I have already vaccinated 4x and was already positive in between, but also because I had to test myself in the KH at that time. I had no symptoms except for a little hoarseness.
Through the immunizations, the immune system is definitely better prepared than without.
What some users spread to false information and guesses is insecure only and is rudely unscientific nonsense.
You should go to your doctor’s office and have your advice.
After my experience not, but rather the opposite.
I am not vaccinated, neither woman nor children, and I know several others who are not vaccinated and some have made the same experience that most vaccinated have heavier and longer courses in covid infection than not vaccinated.
No, she’s not protecting. You can still get Corona like everyone else. The course is not different either.
Then why is vaccinated?
Because it’s about many billion euros.
I think so too. 👌🏽
Jein – protects against certain variants (wild type and alpha), while others are supposed to make the course of the disease more harmless, it does not offer immunity.
But what does protection mean? Well, protection means that probabilities are changed as a helmet protects you or the belt in the car.
In this case, the likelihood that you are contagious is that you are contagious with others, that the disease breaks out – and the vaccination ensures that you have a milder course when it breaks out. No more, no less…
No, it protects from healing. Oh man 🤦🏻 of course she does
Then why did so many vaccinations suffer from Corona?
Because it doesn’t make immune, it increases tolerance and in case you get it for a better course of illness.