Ich hab morgen eine schuluntersuchung in der Schule (8. Klasse) die Lehrer meinten das wir nur Gemessen, gewogen, Blutdruck wird gemessen und irgendwas noch. Außerdem sollen wir vorsichtshalber den Impfpass mitnehmen. Ich hab etwas Angst das ich mich da ausziehen muss und noch irgendwelche anderen Sachen gemacht werden. Weiß jemand wie das so abläuft und stellen die einen auch fragen?
In my memory, we had to make ourselves at least superbody-free so that the nature of the movement apparatus could be tested (especially back and ribs). The boys were still short in the pants with respect to testicles or pre-skin narrowing.
How is this then tested, what is the movement apparatus and why is this done?
make some simple movements. It can be seen whether certain bones originate or other conspicuous areas exist.
Hi dear Hejej 🙂
What state are you coming from and what kind of school are you going to?
As far as I know, there are only a few federal states today, or schools that offer such school studies. I’m telling you, because I can’t imagine these being mandatory. I have heard that there is sometimes a school leaving examination, which largely corresponds to the youth work protection examination and is intended for students who start training after their school leaving. If you do not have to be 18 years old at the beginning of your training, this would be necessary. I can therefore imagine that this will take place at your school as part of this school study. But in general, you can also do it with your pediatrician or a pediatrician.
If you don’t want training, this study would not be necessary for you either. This should be all voluntary and should be regarded as a service offer for your school or your federal state.
If you decide to participate in the investigation, there will certainly only be a general physical check-up. But there will only be such basic investigations then, so size, weight, posture, heart and lung. Much more shouldn’t happen. It is not a complete precautionary examination in this sense. That’s why you wouldn’t have to take off great. In vaccination, you can only make recommendations. If you really want to let yourself be inoculated with such an investigation, that’s all left to you. It’s finally your body;-)
I hope I could help you a little with my answer. If you have any questions or need help, you can send me a personal message at any time 🙂
These are mandatory in some federal states. The strictest formulation has Thuringia, where even the right of opposition of parents is excluded.
§ 55 para. 3 Thüringer School Law
This is an absolutely inappropriate and all other than contemporary law, which requires urgent overhaul.
Fact is: No man can force you to something. Not at all for minors, where parents are still the guardians. Such studies can also be carried out with a pediatrician or a pediatrician if required. But forcing, no, I can’t.
That is why I say that such investigations can also be carried out with the pediatrician or a pediatrician, as it is the personal trust physician and not a foreign official.
Nevertheless, this has not been a long time (see all other federal states).
In the relevant legal literature, these mandatory investigations are found to be constitutional. In particular, the State comes from Art. 6 para. 2 sentence 2 GG. Disclosure and abuse can be revealed in such cases.
This depends on the federal state. Finally, apart from dentists, there are hardly any school studies yet.
Why do you have such a panic? It’s just an investigation!!! Just as with your doctor (children’s doctor) if you’re being examined there, to the U1 until? No reason to worry, the doctors will certainly do nothing bad to you!!
I’ve had 11 or so I can’t remember. Besides, I don’t know the doctor.
Now your memory doesn’t seem to be the very best of all, because so long is eleven years, and then 8 class, yes not here!! And no fear of the doctor will introduce you before he examines you!! And then you know him!
You don’t have to do anything you don’t want.
Unfortunately, inaccurate, is regulated as a compulsory measure in school laws.
§ 54 para. 4 sentence 1 school law NRW
Oh, sorry, I didn’t know.
But that’s really no fucking law