Schulter Probleme?
ich schlafe oft auf der Seite und habe jetzt seit 2-3 Tagen auf der Seite auf der ich schlafe schulterschmerzen die schon fast bis in die Brust gehen wisst ihr warum das jetzt plötzlich gekommen ist oder gibt es Übungen dagegen ? Ich gehe auch oft trainieren und bin körperlich eigentlich sehr gut in Form
Hello! Even a doctor can’t judge from a distance, but you should visit exactly that if it doesn’t get better by then – no training
The shoulder is very complex and injuries / damage are often chronic. Inflammations, injuries or joint pain may be the cause of your problems, perhaps just a temporary overload. Just stay medicine.
Especially among the orthopedists there are many with an intense sporting past – often exactly right.
Good improvement
Do not necessarily have to be at your lying position.
For example, it was magnesium deficiency. Since I regularly take magnesium, it’s gone. I’m always on the side.
But of course you can go to the doctor for clarification.
Hello.. could be an overload from sport, or else because you slept on your shoulder and the muscles now express themselves…so hurt.
Otherwise contact the attending physician to clarify.
LG Sky. .🌞🌞🌞