Schulpflichtsbefreiung details?
Hallo, hoffe jemand kann mir weiterhelfen. đ
Ich kann aus gesundheitlichen GrĂŒnden (hauptsĂ€chlich physisch und teilweise auch psychisch bedingt) nicht lĂ€nger regulĂ€r zur Schule gehen. Daher habe ich mich nach alternativen Wegen umgeschaut, mein Abitur trotzdem zu machen und bin auf eine Fernschule gekommen. Allerdings muss ich um das zu machen, erwirken, dass meine Schulpflicht fĂŒr die letzten 1 Âœ Jahre, die ich noch schulpflichtig bin, zur Ruhe gelegt wird.
Meine FachĂ€rztin ist bereit mir ein Attest auszustellen, die Schule, meine Eltern und auch ich halten es auch fĂŒr die beste Idee in meiner Situation.
Jedoch habe ich noch einige Fragen, die ich eigentlich mit der zustÀndigen Behörde in meiner NÀhe klÀren will. Allerdings werde ich dort nun seit 3 wochen bei jedem Anruf von einer Person zur nÀchsten geschickt und irgendwie scheint keiner zustÀndig zu sein.
Daher frage ich einfach mal hier, falls jemand damit Erfahrung hat kann man mir vielleicht weiterhelfen .
Kurz vorab: Ich wohne in NRW und bin in der EF.
Die Fragen wÀren folgende:
1. Gibt es ein bestimmtes Formular, welches meine FachĂ€rztin ausfĂŒllen könnte, um es bei der Schule einzureichen, oder muss man ein eigenes erstellen? Bei Zweiterem, was muss genau drin stehen, damit es gĂŒtlig ist?
2. Gibt es einen bestimmten Paragraphen im Schulrecht, auf den man sich in diesem Antrag beziehen könnte?
3. Was genau mĂŒssen meine Lehrer machen, wenn sie das Formular erhalten haben? Also wohin muss es weitergeleitet werden etc.
4. Hat jemand das vielleicht schon selber durch, und kann mir davon erzÀhlen, wie es bei ihm/ihr ablief?
Die ersten drei Fragen stelle ich in Auftrag von meiner Schule und meiner FachÀrztin, da sie mich gebeten haben das herauszufinden und ihnen dann mitzuteilen.
Danke im voraus falls mir jemand weiterhelfen kann, schönen Tag euch noch. LG
I’ll start with a saying:
The prince is the school authority here. If you’re lucky that a doctor, your parents, and also the school are playing in the project, what is the reason for getting more people into the business, and those who could make you a line through the bill? But okay.
Why do you want to tell the school if the visit to the school is a permitted way? She just needed to look into the law.
The following is from the administrative district Arnsberg, which, however, refers to the school law in NRW, as every other administrative district must also do. This is about leaving lessons. Whether it’s such is probably a question that five school bureaucrats answer differently when confronting them with your case.
I would first contact the administrative district responsible for you (Write this one in your question as a supplement, otherwise you won’t come any further. However, they are not as easy as the one in Arnsberg.
On the right (in the link) you will find a contact person under “Contact for the Schools in …”. In the column there are also links to similar matters, “liberation from further school visit”, for example. But you don’t want to be freed, you just want to learn at another school.
Greeting Matti
Thank you very much for the detailed answer.
1. A form of your own would be good. The contact details of the school, the date and a courtesy, but certain request to suspend schooling due to attested health problems are important. The doctor should provide their contact details and professional titles.
Two. In NRW the “School Law NRW” of 2005, paragraph 3. An important keyword is “school duty”.
3. Teachers pass it to the school board. It is the responsibility of the school management to examine the issue and to initiate further steps.
4. Experientially long waiting times. Prompt the authority’s decision!
Thank you!
I don’t feel bad. Your specialist lets you in a forum for lay people ask what she has to do? đČ WOW – how much competence is that?? I’m from the socks!
What I’ve seen: Children (I generalize now), who don’t go to school in Germany, can get a school exam! You’ve been on the safe side. However, as this happens, you should question the school office in a bit – not in an internet forum.
No, oh God, she asked me to ask the competent authority and school, not here haha.
And I was already in contact with them, who told me that they are not responsible for the high school levels in my environment, so they could not help me. I only reported here to have a few answers before, if I do not get any answers to the District Government. But thanks!:)
Well – any public place should be able to help you – even if your problem does not occur frequently. So ask yourself and ask for competent people to be confronted!
Much more crazy is that the school commissioned her, See:
This is the case in §43 Schulgesetz. Quote: «The decision can only bethe head of the schoolto be met. »
The authority should not be switched on at all. It is also not surprising that the author is repeatedly rejected. These people are not responsible for this. That’s what the school line would have to say.