Schulpferd nur bei mir lieb?

Hallo ich bin 13 Jahre alt und reite seit ein paar Jahren 1mal die Woche.

Auf dem Hof auf dem ich reite ist ein neues Schulpony. Als ich ihn das erste Mal geritten bin lief alles glatt. Er war wirklich toll. Dann sah ich an einem anderen Tag, wie er sich bei einem mädchen verhielt, das schon seid 6 Jahren ritt. Und er hat wirklich keinen Schritt gemacht ohne zu bocken. Auch die anderen sagten mir, dass er sch***e sei. Bei mir hat er aber noch nie gebuckelt. (Er ist 7 Jahre alt).Meine reitlehrerin sagte auch schon dass er sich bei mir gut benimmt. Ist das normal?

Würde mich über antworten freuen.

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1 year ago

Normally there isn’t.

This can have completely different reasons. From sympathy, over other seat, more or little what you ask of the horse,…

A horse, which seems to be regularly bucking, is not part of riding lessons with children, but clinically checked and trained reasonably.

1 year ago

Come on. Can have different reasons. Starting with selective perception, the random mood of the pony to the limited suitability of the pony as a school horse, there are different causes.

1 year ago

I have an Icelandic (now one year) and that’s what it is.

If I ride him, he’s going great, but as soon as someone else gets stuck, he’s gonna boil and get rid of the help.

This can be (says my riding teacher) because I have a seat that he “mag” and a quiet hand. She thinks that I give the help a little different than others and that the Isi also finds it good

1 year ago

Yeah, for little Wendies, that’s normal.

They form regularly, only with them the very difficult and completely misunderstood schoolhorse went so brav because you have a very special radiance…

See what you want when you enjoy it. You rarely learn to ride correctly.

1 year ago

Yeah, that’s normal. Vllt you are more comfortable from the seat or weight, your hand calmer – and probably you just ask nix of it. Of course, many school horses will find it well.

1 year ago

Well, maybe he just likes your riding style or you’re different from what he finds good. Or he just had a good day with you.

1 year ago

It’s like I’ve got a four-year-old stylus that just wants to run right. But because I’m dominant, and I’m going through, he’s relatively good with me.

It can be so many things, from smell to mood… You won’t know. Look forward to being good with you

1 year ago

no answer – can go.

the send button has once again actuated itself. to bite something like that.