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1 year ago

So I waited Neal with 16.

I earned 12€ per hour.

I worked there for about 4-30 hours.

was really exhausting because the restaurant was a bit more demanding.

1 year ago

Inform yourself beforehand about applicable labour laws (if it applies to you) the ones for minors so you are not attracted!

Like e.g. assembly work or heavy physical work, which is for minors Illegal

520€ Minijob are good offers as students

The content is Max. 520€ /month

The student counts accordingly at 12€ (minimum wage) approx. 44std / month but maximum 15std / week

In the case of tuber compensation, therefore, less hour/month (so everything above 12€ is good but never below 12€)

1 year ago

I waited because I only earned 8€ and had no breaks and worked quite often.

Looking for a new 🙂

1 year ago

I offered at the time 17 in a school promotion in some subjects. This went through the full day care of the school and delivered 10€ per hour. I was there 2-3 times a week and that has already brought plenty of money to make it a minor.

1 year ago

As a student 2 x a week 5 hours. In the course of the week about 15-20 hours.