Schüleraustausch nach Spanien?


an unserer Schule gibt es nächstes Jahr einen Schüleraustausch für eine Woche nach Bilbao/ Spanien. Ich als Lehrkraft wurde gefragt, ob ich die Schüler begleiten würde. Meine Spanischkentnisse sind allerdings ziemlich gering. Ich würde dennoch gerne mit, aber ich habe Angst, dass ich mit der Sprache nicht so zurecht komme.

Habt ihr damit Erfahrungen gemacht? Wie fändet ihr es, bei sowas mitzumachen? Kommt man notfalls auch mit Englisch durch?

Vielen Dank im Vorraus 🙂

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1 year ago


you can join the rEise tooverically:

  • English will only help you a little, but you should also get along with small Spanish skills. You learn quickly in everyday life. The Spaniards will be happy to help you if it was to cact.
  • Eion’s good part of your job will be to supervise your own pupils, that will happen in German.

Best regards

1 year ago

There’s probably someone at school who can English or halfway English.

Normally the contact is always warm and friendly and you chat more than just the necessary. These necessities (allergics, food requests, guidelines on the curriculum, so where exactly the weaknesses of the pupils are to be eliminated or what you want to learn) are often communicated by emails and lists in advance of the school. Before arrival.

So you should talk to the faculty for Spanish and they can handle everything important in advance. On site you are only responsible for the care. There it may be that a host family does not like it or that any rules are created for going out or getting into bed, meeting points are made or even the leisure program is more precisely regulated. You should also exchange for the leisure program before you start your journey. Usually there’s something on offer.

Of course, it is enormously beneficial to be able to get a few spanish. So you should take care of the subject. If necessary, a good student can also serve as an interpreter. Maybe here too the Spanish teacher ask who comes into question.

Also consider that Bilbao also speaks Basque. Everyday life is not as Spanish as in the middle and south of Spain, even if practically all Basques speak Spanish.

The best would be, of course, if you asked in advance whether there is a German- or English-speaking contact person. You could also take the chance and, if necessary, take a few Spanish private lessons with discount, while the students are in class.