Schüleraustausch/Auslandsjahr in Korea?
Hi, ich würde soo gerne einen austausch in Korea mache, ich gehe auf eine normale Realschule.. kann mir jemand erklären wie oder ob sowas überhaupt gehen würde?
Hi, ich würde soo gerne einen austausch in Korea mache, ich gehe auf eine normale Realschule.. kann mir jemand erklären wie oder ob sowas überhaupt gehen würde?
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In principle, you can also make a student exchange as a real student.
And in principle, as Spikeman197 has already written, you can register for this with an exchange organization, which then takes care of the placement at a host school / host family and is also at your side.
There have always been and there have been efforts for South Korea by exchange organisations to include it in the programme (more specifically the country selection), unfortunately the efforts have not yet been crowned by lasting success. My former exchange organization AFS currently offers South Korea only as an internship program, for example, and that is not necessarily what I would recommend personally… the organisations that offer South Korea with host family placement, I would again not recommend for other reasons. But if you want to do it anyway, you can google after “study” and “South Korea”.
Most do this only after the MSA, in the 11. Class, or E phase. Many thanks to an experienced organization because it is otherwise too cumbersome and expensive.
Korea is something special…
This is also any other country, apart from the German standard exchange countries France, Poland, Ireland and perhaps Italy.
now, especially most people don’t speak the language!
I know, above all, people who were in the USA, Canada and GB.
When you speak Spanish, almost all of South America comes to it!
Although Poland and Italy lie next door, I do not know anyone who has spent half a year or a whole school year (mMn wg. the lack of language skills). I even know one in New Zealand. The biggest difference to the USA was the postponed school year!
Ahja, you finally realize that you have argued all the time about my statement and instead of watching your mistake, you better sign me as a troll.
That’s sad. Just sad.
Let’s try it differently, why is Korea as “special” as you say?
It is not common as a destination country, but these are the least countries we have found.
So, please explain.
At my school, Poland was a country for internal school exchanges. I heard from Italy at other schools.
But I mean well, then these two countries are also “speech”. It only strengthens my original comment.
Please what?…
Where do I have “hearted” that anyone does not speak a language?
That’s bullshit.
You have argued with the language, not me. Read the comments carefully…
As I said, the two countries do not belong to the usual exchange countries.
This only strengthens my original statement.
that the You Don’t talk.
Bzw., that not only South Korea is “special”, but rather quite any other country. Among them, Poland and Italy.
Conclusion: Your claim is insane.
You call Poland and Italy a ‘typical’ exchange country! MMn isn’t right because it’s in not exactly typical foreign school languages. At the same time, you feel that always iwer, ione language does not speak, which is true, but nyx has to do with my statement because that is ultimately only that the majority of my observation visits the English-speaking countries for exchange.
Vllt. did you not notice that it is not about a short visit and a counter visit (in Italy or Poland?), but about individually visiting the school in a foreign country for half or a year!
That’s why you’re telling me a lot of crap!
English, French, Spanish. For all countries that do not speak these languages, your statement is also valid.
Apart from the fact that English is sufficient for an exchange in Korea.