Hallo ich hab ne wichtige Frage,am Montag beginnt in Hessen wieder die Schule und ich fahre halt mit dem Bus aber muss jetzt halt vorlegen das ich getestet bin. Ich habe aber keine Möglichkeit mich testen zu lassen in einem Testzentrum weil ich da mit dem Auto oder Bus hinfahren müsste es aber nicht kann weil ich ja nicht getestet bin und nicht in den Bus rein darf (Auto ist in der Werkstatt) was soll ich jetzt machen ?
Students are exempted from the 3G scheme in public transport outside the holidays, as they are regularly tested for the school. It is recommended that you take the student ID to prove yourself a student.
that does nothing more
Why shouldn’t that take anything? You don’t need a test as a student.
Idt a public bus
What does your school have to do with the bus? Isn’t it a public bus, but a special school bus?
My school says something else
That sucks, he was Hamburg so too, I had to leave my couple kilometers at-1°.
Maybe friends can take you?
Either run or go with acquaintances.
Walking, cycling, taking taxi, riding,…
with taxi or bike ride
Doesn’t it make sense for the cab?
*no and no
Thank you.
And you don’t know anyone who has a car?
1 day indebted absence on the certificate
It’s like that every day
Students are then tested at school