Schule Abbrechen wegen Krankheit – Wie gehe ich vor – Kindergeld und Halbwaisenrente?

Ich muss die Schule abbrechen (13. Klasse) aufgrund von Gesundheitlichen Problemen, ich schaffe es nicht in die Schule zu gehen.
Meine Frage ist, wenn ich mir jetzt eine Abmeldung hole wie ich mich denn Krankmelde? Bislang steht leider keine Diagnose, aber ich habe eine Schlafstörung – Wahrscheinlich Narkolepsie, die meisten anderen schlafkrankheiten wurden bereits ausgeschlossen also wrid davon ausgegangen, dass ich Narkoleptisch bin. Muss auf meinen Termin im Schlaflabor warten, welcher in etwa 5 Monaten ist.

Wenn ich mir jetzt eine Abmeldung hole, kann ich mich dann Krankmelden obwohl NOCH keine Diagnose zu finden ist, falls ja wie und wo? Ich bin sowieso nicht in der Lage zu arbeiten oder ähnliches, ich schlafe 12 Stunden und dazu mache ich noch Mittagsschlaf welches auf bestimmt 17 Stunden Täglichen Schlaf summiert, mal schlafe ich nur 2, 3 Stunden weil mehr einfach nicht geht.

Eine weitere Frage ist, ob ich wenn ich dann Krankgemeldet bin noch Kindergeld bekomme und Halbwaisenrente? Sobald ich weiß, bekommt man diese nur wenn man in einer Schulausbildung ist oder in einer Berufsausbildung – Falls wir diese nicht bekommen, wirds Eng, da man direkt knapp 500€ weniger Budget hat.

Danke im Voraus

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6 months ago

If you have to cancel your training through a disease, you can continue to be entitled to child money and that may even be unlimited in time if you are no longer able to deny your living.

The disease or disability must have existed before the completion of the 25 years of life.

In the case of an orphan’s pension, I do not know that if the training is terminated, then the claim also ends.

7 months ago

Evening If you need to break the school, you should first contact a doctor to get a medical prescription even if there is no final diagnosis yet This can also be successful without any final diagnosis based on your symptoms With this medical prescription, you may continue to receive child benefit and half orphan pension as there are exceptions if you are unable to make an education because of a disease. However, you should clarify this with the family fund and the pension fund as a medical certificate might be required

All right

7 months ago

Your doctor can always write you sick. You’ll keep getting child money. Even without school. My daughter was home for three years.

7 months ago

Hey, you,

For the first time: a pity that you are not well, I hope you can be helped soon!

Now to you, it would be exciting to know now that you are already full year since you are in the 13th. I guess I do. After that it would be interesting to know where you live, alone, with the family, with a parent?

If you are full-year and live with someone, you can unsubscribe from school after a conversation with the senior coordinator and the school management. You’ll get a certificate. Before you could inform you if it is somehow possible to get the school ready with special permissions or to make your specialist abitur.

Depending on the situation and the special application you can still get sick and still live with the parents or so. In doubt, call, ask and explain your situation.

It’s so late in the sleep lab. Look, if you might be able to help your family doctor get an appointment earlier. Either by calling and posing on urgency or by sending you a bank transfer code for the 116117. The priority of under 35 days is important to me. Then you should usually get something fixed, so it went with me within 3 weeks.

Greetings and all good!

6 months ago
Reply to  RosaPilz


No, if you have a transfer with a broker code, call 116117, there’s an appointment service or appointment. Mostly with labger waiting time in the wsrte loop 20min. It’s worth it. Then you read what’s on the transfer and usually get an appointment. Then you are probably told that you should call the doctor once an appointment has been made to confirm the appointment. End 🙂

And the child’s money should continue to be paid to your mom if I have that right in my head. But since you are full-year, you have to prove that it is still needed, spricjbdass you still live at home and are looking for a training. Bzw has your mom to apply for it as it is transferred to her.