
Auf unserer Schule wird extreeeem auf Minderheiten geachtet. Bedeutet im Sport darf man nicht zu gut spielen um andere nicht auszugrenzen und die Lehrer geben Testergebnisse nicht als Durchschnitt raus und so.

Unsere Schule stellt sich gegen die Ellenbogengesellschaft. Wie findet ihr das?

Im Sport finde ich das schon etwas lächerlich wenn der Lehrer dann immer ruft das man runter kommen soll und etwas lockerer werden muss wenn man zum Beispiel bei Völkerball gut werfen kann.

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1 month ago

I was always a rivet in sports, even though I was regular. on trees, etc. But I learned that you can’t be good in everything. You have to learn this as a child. In the past or later, the children are confronted with the hard reality, some if they don’t learn to do it in time, even think of suicide in such cases:-(

The school thus takes important opportunities for children to develop 🙁

Children with so-called funding needs generally develop a more realistic self-perception in common lessons and do not know only after the end of the school runway or when they leave the special world of a school for funding to their strengths and weaknesses.

In the case of children where the differences are not so great that you do not speak ovn “promoting needs”, it is the same.


1 month ago

Who knows if that’s true. Find it good if you don’t always get so fucked with what’s going on, but falsely understood tolerance doesn’t benefit anyone.

1 month ago

I don’t think this ideology is good in itself. There are always those who are better and worse. Whether in sports or elsewhere. In real life, no one will take into consideration that is to teach at school is simply counterproductive.

1 month ago

I don’t think I’m so good, so in general, but in sports, you should take care of yourself and show what you can. I just hope that this is not the case, because I don’t know how to judge fair at the end.

1 month ago

I find it very good that the teacher, for example, intervenes in sport, because I think that these are less good, perhaps more likely to dare to join.

1 month ago

I think I’m stupid. If you work or study later, you go down completely.

I can understand explicitly at the international ball when the teacher intervenes when you throw too tight. it’s just about throwing off and not hurting anyone.

1 month ago

Our school is facing the Ellenbogengesellschaft. How do you find that?

But there are censorships anyway, or

1 month ago

Actually, you’re facing the power company.
After all, you make others a joy, for you are not
Competition for them.

1 month ago
Reply to  Animelove192

I don’t mean the sport that doesn’t care.
Is it like that in other subjects?