Schulden P-Konto?
Guten Abend.
angebommen man hat 3000€ Schulden und ein P-Konto und bekommt 5000€ überwiesen. Kann man dann sein P-Konto in ein normales Konto umwandeln und die 3.000€ werden automatisch an die Gläubiger ausgezahlt? Sprich das Konto ist wieder ein normales Girokonto und es bleiben einem 2.000€ übrig und ist schuldenfrei?
You can do it. The money is only transferred after four weeks.
Without a P account, the invoice works like this:
5,000 € minus approx. 1,500 € Free amount = 3,500 € overhang, from which the deposit is paid.
the account can remain a P account because if you have 5000 € plus and a deposit of 3000 €, then this will also be pledged to the free limit of1.409,99Euro can be used to you if you have no maintenance.
That would be a mistake.
The account will be blocked and it will take 4 weeks
This happens anyway, because the EUR 5,000 is above the threshold. The bank transfers the EUR 3,000. on a P account only EUR 1.491.75 is protected.
I want the bank to transfer the 3000€ debt to my creditors. Speak; as soon as the bank has transferred the 3000€ from the 5000€, it would convert the P account back into a normal account and I would keep the 2,000€, right?