Schulden angeben beim Arbeitgeber?
Ich hab es tatsächlich geschafft und einen Ausbildungsplatz bekommen (juhu!). Habe den Vertrag per Post geschickt bekommen und da waren ein paar Fragen die mir ganz normal vorkamen BIS es dann zu dem Thema „Schulden“ kam.
Vorab: Ich habe keine großen Schulden und bin nirgends eingetragen, hatte nie Probleme, allerdings kam mir letze Woche ein Inkasso Brief ins Postfach reingeflattert. (Mein Fehler, mein paypal konto war im minus und ich habe davon nichts mitbekommen weil ich dachte ich hab es wieder ausgeglichen (Ja, dummheit tut weh, ich weiß)
Jetzt ist meine Frage: Muss ich sowas eintragen? Da steht nämlich was von Tilgungszeit, Gläubiger etc. oder ist das nur bei ganz „ernsten“ Schulden? (also zb. Zwangsvollstreckung etc.)
Habe sonst keine Kredite oder ähnliches.
Bitte nicht zu hart zu mir sein, hatte sowas vorher noch nie und will mich nur vorher informieren bevor ich „nein“ ankreuze und dann quasi meinen zukünftigen Arbeitgeber anlüge.
In my opinion, you do not have to state the debts you have described.
Pay the few € hold and finished.
I’ve been paying, I was just wondering if I had to put it in. Thanks for the answer!
Why do you want to pay debts that are already paid and consequently are no debts?
“Question after debt
Normally, the employer must not ask in the interview whether the applicant has debt. The question of wages is also taboo. The situation is different if the employment requires a particular confidence (such as a cashier, a procura activity, a tax advisor activity, employment as a supervisor).
What is the amount? Three-digit or more?
If “only” are 40€, but nothing big but unpleasant, have never had any problems. But the problem is that it is after the interview and it is asked in the contract. So, if I don’t, you’d be able to control this, wouldn’t you? I’m kind of insecure now.
Since the practice of certain professions or the activities of the so-called ordered financial situation, must be even after asked I have to say that I have to say that I do not think that I have to do so.
do not think that is bad, you have to know who you are. I was just asking if I should mention this incident. 😅
Well, well, then my Schufa has gone a little bit down the brook. 😅
Once you have a debt collection letter, this is also in the Schufa if it is paid, however, as Done. However, it is more than a negative note. I wouldn’t tell the employer, it’s done and 40€ is nothing big. Can pass, but not more often. Your Schufa is getting hurt.
I think if you don’t pay for a long time and you don’t get any more rate payment offered etc. But I don’t know how fast this is going, I don’t think you’d have to get more collection letters. Until now, my Schufa was positive, as I am looking for a place to stay and to apply for it occasionally.
I just got the word Schufa in my head. How fast do you get a negative entry there?
I.e. stand today “no debt”? Then everything is clear to me.
Calling for security in the staff office, but I don’t think that is absolutely necessary in the amount and if it’s done.
Yes, VFA. So trust a lot and money. That’s why the nervousness. I already paid the 40€ when I got the letter. 🫠
Is it a profession that has to do with money (and with trust)?
Normally, I would consider the €40 (open invoice). Can the problem be solved before signing the contract from the world?
the employer does not do that, but it can be that he is afraid that wage payments are coming in. I just wouldn’t say anything, pay the whole thing, and the AG will never get it.