Schulabschluss in den USA?
Guten Tag ich wollte fragen ob ein real / Hauptschulabschluss in den USA anerkannt wird bzw. ob ich als Deutscher damit einen Job in den USA annehmen kann bzw ob auf einen deutschen Schulabschluss die Firmen dort wert legen 😉
No, you don’t know the main school degree in the USA. He won’t recognized. The USA has a completely different system.
At the beginning, for foreigners always the GED the other standardized tests GRE, for example
You can do these tests anywhere in the world. Then you have something that’s certainly recognized.
The school degree is not so relevant, rather what you learned in terms of training. They don’t want any helpers, they want to be professionally trained people. Especially craftsmanship.
Mm ok understand thank you
Do you think it would be good? Bzw training for system intigrator
As far as I know, this is not recognized and counts as no school degree.
It can be natural that you still find work, but you should be able to compensate for this by training or other qualifications.