Schufa zieht mtl. 3,95€ von meinem Konto ab?
Guten Morgen,
ich habe letzten Monat meine Schufa beantragt und habe jetzt gesehen das mir 3,95€ von meinem Konto abgebucht worden sind.
Habe meinschufa kontaktiert da meldet sich niemand.
Weiß einer was das sein kann?
Ein Abo vielleicht? Ich wollte jedenfalls kein Abo :/
LG Frani
What is the recipient of payment when debiting, the Schufa or another company?
You may have (irrtuous, as always…) the Abo completed?:
* mySCHUFA compact:The one-time activation fee of 9.95 € is for new customers during the promotion period from 15.02.2024 to 30.06.2024. Minimum duration: 12 months (period of validity during the minimum duration: one month at maturity); the contract will then be extended indefinitely at the price of €3.95 per month (can be purchased at the end of the current contract month). Prices incl. statutory VAT, no shipping costs.
If yes, then you can probably just do this as described above terminologyrevocation within 14 days is no longer possible.
And so long you’ll have to pay.
Bingo. I just quit the subscription
Schufa information costs something. But normally more than 3,95
Did you do that with any supplier or ask directly at dre Schufa?
Right at the Schufa and there I paid this normal one-time amount. My 29€
Don’t you have an annual self-examination?
Well, turn to the Schufa again, in writing or by phone or at best both.
Get the money back from your bank.
there is also a free information
Then you probably ordered “my Schufa compact”, for which 3,95 EUR will be due per month.