Schüchternheit überwinden?

Hi, ich fange nächstes Jahr meine Ausbildung an und ich bin halt leider echt sehr schüchtern anfangs.

Ich weiß dass es lange dauern kann Schüchternheit zu überwinden aber hat vielleicht jemand Tipps wie ich mich besser öffnen kann?

Dankeschön im Voraus 🙂

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4 months ago

I used to be more shy at the beginning but at some point I have just tried to do as if I were self-confidence and it also worked.I always thought people would find me strange or rude when I am less shy but it was exactly the opposite of the case.With the time I also fell a lot easier….

what I noticed is that many people are actually shy but when you talk to them they also begin to talk to you about what makes everything much easier because you don’t always have to look for the conversation

actually, it’s also normal to be a bit more shy so don’t worry about it <3