Schubblubbern legal?

Ich habe eine Seite gefunden die chiptuning anbietet, und neben der Leistungssteigerung kann man noch die Option schubblubbern auswählen, ich habe im Internet gelesen das es illegal sein soll und eine Seite dadrunter stand das es legal ist wenn man den tüv nach dem chiptuning mit schubblubbern erneuert, was davon stimmt denn jetzt?

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1 year ago

See §19(2) StVZO:

(2) If the vehicle is not expressly withdrawn, the vehicle’s licence shall remain valid until its final decommissioning is completed. It shall expire when changes are made by which:

1. the type of vehicle approved in the approval,

Two. a hazard to road users is to be expected; or

3. the exhaust gas or noise behavior is deteriorated.

For some candidates, point 2 is also fulfilled.

1 year ago

Yes, it is illegal because it is unnecessary noise.
In addition, it probably ensures, depending on how dolle you can’t keep the recorded volume.

In addition, it is highly harmful to the cat.

1 year ago

I’ve found this here for slip shutdown: