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1 year ago


I’m just writing a fantasy story on wattpad. I already have over 60 chapters, but somehow I have a phase where I can’t write further.


Text description:

“Yoru, an 18-year-old young girl. She’s the daughter of the beta from the North Ruddle. It is different from other shape-shifters, because it cannot turn. But when she goes to the shape-shifter-internat, her fate suddenly takes a turn. Because she meets a mysterious older lady. She tells her about elementary shape-shifters. And she shall be one of them. Will she accept her fate? And so old undiscovered lies, mysteries and intrigues can be recognized by those they trust? And can we see and eliminate the danger that this entails in time? Or will she fail and lose everything she loves?”

1 year ago

I currently write a fantasy/action story about 5 teenagers who get through a portal to another world. This is, however, just before the destruction, and since the evil of this world would destroy the earth next to it, and it would only come back with a dragon that only brings it back under an operation, they are forced to do something against the destruction of the world. There is also an old prophecy and so much more, but it would take quite a long time to explain everything. ^^^

8 months ago

Yeah, I write stories, though most people don’t finish…

I only write fantasy, I don’t read other genre, so I don’t even know about it. Above all, I’m just writing a Warrior Cats fan fiction. But I have many ideas in my mind that I’ve never written to a story.

In the last year of school I was in a writing class where we wrote many short stories (only Fantasy), which were also around the ten.

Lately, I don’t write so much since school takes a lot of time… But earlier, even when I couldn’t even write yet, I made tiny books and my mother had to write what I dictated to her XD

LG ThisOneBoredCat

1 year ago

I started writing a kind of science fiction fantasy story that I had never continued. Unfortunately, I have not dealt with it anymore, and I may be going to do it again soon. By the way, I also write poems, but that certainly does not fit the question.

1 year ago

jap, and also publish them. what she is about is a bit hard to explain, I just put the flap text here in xD

Do you know that if you’re in a fucking situation, and would you like to be in another universe? Just leave everything behind you and explore other dimensions…maybe to find your great love…

Or take revenge on people you hate in other universes?

Do you commit any criminal offence because you don’t have to fear any consequences? The pain you had to experience for years, finally adding to others? Let’s see what Ethan decides for! And whether this is true with the unexistent consequences? As we know, everything has a price…(trigger warning: Many bad jokes, expressions and chaotic magicians!)

1 year ago
Reply to  Kekskatze12

has just two chapters, but I can send you, but not here, but private, special advertising is forbidden here xD

1 year ago
Reply to  iliketrains721

Another writer. Where are you publishing?

1 year ago
Reply to  Autorenherz (don’t let the name confuse, there are fanfictions AND free working)

1 year ago


1 year ago

do you want the link?

1 year ago

Sounds really nice the story.

1 year ago

I write about a young girl, a Kaspar Hauser


She sat down to play for the first time the beginning of the Horrer of the fight for her life.

Something dull Brutales came like nothing. A blow deeply dark roaring brutally dominated the hall, carried through the building hard, loudly buzzing, angry, completely unleashed, frightening, loud and brutal. The acoustics were huge. The beginning chased a huge goose skin over the body. Lars, who repeatedly raped her, drowned in the septic tank. Dominated over half an hour, for all. Only then did the other subject appear. Something that you barely heard was repeatedly brutally beaten. This unequal struggle that was so hopeless was the most exciting thing Michael had ever heard, it was not boring even after an hour. Because the clear bell-cocked theme had just begun to really show itself, the fight was taken up, but it was slainly slainly slain and then to get out again and again, no matter if he tortured them again, but that didn’t do anything anymore, it was just that she came laughing at him again. It was not boring, just when the monster dominated everything for twenty minutes. It started from the front that the two are breathing. This time she was there faster, even if he managed to do it again 5 minutes, she managed 4. It was a storm fire of emotion,

All those who listened were torn away from the great cry of freedom, which read the Hall Beben. That flew to life through the hall as a cheerful and rejoiced the light.


She clears up when it is necessary and murdered when she knows who she is her father. A paedophile child mass murderer. But before she asks him something. Where are the children?

1 year ago

Yeah, I even write whole books. ^^

I’m currently writing a story about humanity that tries to save itself and a team of scientists sends off a new planet to discover. And in the sequel they encounter further problems and have to deal with them.

Furthermore, I sit on a Spin Off of the Fandom, which tells a prehistory (i.e. rather a Prequel).

But then I also write youth books and try to change and relive my diversity. ^^


I hope I could help you with my answer. Best regards, Your Chiara aka Author’s Heart : -)

1 year ago

I used to scream a lot. Mostly about an alternative I. That was and is still my way of dealing with “problems”.

I would say that it is not bad to write several then you always have something to write on.

1 year ago

I used to publish short stories on Wattpad and RoyalRoad. But meanwhile, I’ve gone to read, that’s more fun than writing.

1 year ago


Oh yes I’ve been writing stories for a little while and want to perform as a writer one day. At the moment I write a drama story:)

1 year ago

I like to write poems when my thoughts rise to my head, otherwise I am currently trying to have a crime that is supposed to have thriller vibes, but that doesn’t work so well haha

8 months ago

Yes mainly sex stories

2 months ago

No, I don’t write stories

1 year ago

I write stories about the storywriting.