Schreibmaschine Olympia SM3 klemmt ab einen bestimmten Punkt?
Hallo Community
Und zwar habe ich mir eine gebrauchte Olympia SM3 geholt. Sie läuft sehr flüssig und schreiben klappt alles ohne Probleme.
Das einzige was ist ab einen bestimmten Punkt (siehe Bild, roter Strich) schreibt dir Maschine nicht mehr weiter. Sie klemmt sozusagen. Wenn ich dann den Wagenlöser drücke und den ganzen “Wagen” etwas hochnehmen, bis sie über den Punkt ist dann geht es normal weiter.
Halt immer an dieser bestimmten Stelle.
Weiß einer woran das liegt, was da genau das Problem ist ?
Kann man sowas leicht reparieren ?
P.S. Am Zugseil liegt es nicht, da habe ich schon nachgeschaut.
in the machine, something like a rack should be integrated.
When a button is actuated, a mechanism is set in motion which then moves the carriage by a tooth when the button is released.
It could be that this mechanism needs some oil because it is moved too little in the middle. Then the machine just hangs until that is also released by other mechanisms.
It would be necessary to check or oil the appropriate part of the rig and mechanism
thank you for the star 😉
Before oiling the machine, look for the tab stops, which can sometimes also jam. If they’re all right, I’d open the case at the back and see if there’s some resinized parts to be seen. If so, you can either gently spray it with WD40 (fat-releasing), or clean it with a little water and (diluted) plaster. In both cases, it is very important to blow the machine thoroughly with an air crown or similar. Removes excess oil, which could regain such a stretching layer in the machine over time, and water that could cause rust. In addition, it also brushes dust etc out of the machine, which does not damage anyway.
I hope I could still help, even if I’m a little late:)
Thank you. If the machine has already cleaned something, it doesn’t work perfectly yet, but something better. Be sure to look with water and detergent thanks to your tip.
So tabstops can’t be this I’ve already moved and it wasn’t there.
So probably really a place that is rusted by the years.
Thanks again 🙂
However, it is not even necessary to be rust, often it is simply oil that came there and sticks the machine over the years with dust and other dirt