Schreiben berufliche Gymnasien das gleiche Abi wie normale Gymnasien?
ich frage mich, ob berufliche Gymnasien auch Zentral-Abi schreiben. Berufliche Gymnasien werden doch immer als leichter angesehen, fallen dann auch die Abiklausuren leichter aus? Im Endeffekt werden die Abschlüsse beider Schularten doch gleich gewertet.
Unclear question.
My girlfriend is in a professional gymnasium and I in a normal.
The only difference is that she has the subject of health as a performance course because she chose it as a subject.
We both chose the Mathe-LK, so we write the same exam in Mathe. In German too, because this is a duty in Hesse.
It might be like that in Hesse. Not in Baden-Württemberg.
No, they’re the same.
Thank you for the answer! But I wonder if the Abi does not have to fall a lot harder for the students if they are not prepared so well? It’s true that teaching is easier there. So in Mathe we are doing on the gymnasium just zb polynomialdivision and actual gradients and so, while I know from students of a professional gymnasium that they treat straight linear functions. How do you normally create the Abi exams in good areas?
No, it’s not the same Abiturklausures. This year, for example, the math claws were written on the G8 a day other than those on the TG or WG. So it can’t be the same exams.