Schreiben aufhören weil nicht gut genug?
Also manche Leute sagen dass, das was ich schreibe nicht gut genug ist. Und deswegen sollte ich erst gar nicht versuchen Geschichten und Stories zu schreiben.
Haben diese sehr kritische Stimmen recht? Muss man sofort perfekt sein, sonst soll man es gleich lassen? Wie soll ich es so dann jemals lernen?
Ich mache mir keine Illusionen dass, was ich momentan geschrieben habe ist sicher nur Mittelmässig, wenn überhaupt.
Heisst dass, ich soll aufgeben? Man muss bedenken, ich habe nicht viel Übung.
First of all, it doesn’t matter what others say as long as it’s just a hobby.
It’s hard to start. This applies to any hobby, even for writing. The first stories you write are usually never really good. It lacks experience, lacks planning and implementation is usually more wanted than skillful. So what?
Writing is a craft that wants to be learned. But you have to write for it, otherwise you won’t be better. Not even if you add 10908 enrollers and work through them. You have to find yourself as an author and this is only done through exercise. You don’t wake up one morning, and you can suddenly play guitar perfectly, can you?
Have you looked a little on Wattpad? The site is only so daunted by grottenschlechten Beginner Stories. Just because of this normal is. No one writes formal masterpieces right from the start and no one should expect that. Not you.
Relax and have fun writing.
Everything else comes with time.
Yeah, that’s true, there’s really a big deal. And well, I guess I’m so stupid.
Being average is a good starting position for you. There is always a potential for improvement and that is nothing bad.
Thank you but it’s not about writing but I had a question and instead of giving an answer all just wrote comments
Sorry, but I can just follow you zero.
Depends on that. On the one hand one does not write for others, at least not primarily.
That’s a point. The first texts are usually s***. That’s it. In addition, you believe that you cannot learn much from the reader. That’s a funny attitude, of course. Good other stories are your trainer. A footballer who doesn’t listen to his coach will never be a good footballer.
You shouldn’t care what the “hater” say most often it’s always you vs you.
if you give up because others try to undermine you have already lost.
Do what you want to become and do what you enjoy, no one is perfect.
If everyone had abandoned it, we would never have Ed Sheeran as a singer. he couldn’t sing a straight sound before.
important is that you practice, so keep up, find out errors, practice spelling and so on.
Something to give up just because we can’t be the same or have no talent in it is not beneficial.
Well, that you really publish a book is very unlikely
a friend of mine made it
there are so many people who write and think they can publish a book
What is unlikely, even if it doesn’t work you tried and then it goes on
You don’t think you can learn? That it is a secret talent that few can?
Thank you.