Schreibe im moment mit einen Mädchen doch sie immer mit …?

Bis jetzt lief unser Chat gestern und heute Super! Heute hat sie etwas komisches erwähnt was in richtung depressiv usw geht worauf ich jetzt lieber nicht eingehen möchte, jedenfalls schreibt sie jedesmal 3 kleine pünktchen hinter ihrer message oder wenn auch mal mittendrin zum beispiel so: So…Ähm blablabla…

Warum? Und mit welchem Zweck?

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3 years ago

I know it from me and several of my friends too. We usually say something is wrong. Maybe you should take care of it and ask if everything is okay (even if the answer is probably “yes”). If this is the case, you can tell her she can talk to you at any time if she needs to talk to someone. If she trusts you, she will come by herself

3 years ago

Either as a break of thought or speech (and the time you think she writes …). So as an indicator that she thought in that time (…) what she should write.

Or from habit. I write these… again and again. Whether there is a continuation of the written or not. I usually want to say that the reader can come to the rest of himself/soll/muss. So in the way

Who says A…

3 years ago

Just talk to her about it (personally), but don’t push her!