Schreibe ich diesen Text richtig?

Sehr geehrte Frau,

ich schreibe Ihnen,weil ich das Problem habe.Wie Sie wissen,habe ich mein Arbeitsyeugnis genommen.Bedauerlicherweise hat mein Zeugnis verloren.Nach Meiner Meinung hat mein Zeugnis von meiner Tasche gefallen,da meine Tasche kaputt ist.

Ich möchte Sie dafür um Entschuldigung bitten,dass ich Sie wieder störe.Aber ist mein Arbeitszeugnis sehr wichtig,um Arbeitsmöglichkeiten zu finden.In diesem Zusammenhang bitte ich Sie um die Hilfe.

Ich glaube,dass Sie dieses Problem aus der Welt schaffen.Natwrlich kann ich verstehen,Sie viel zu arbeiten.Ich bitte Sie um neuem Arbeitszeugnis,das Sie erstellen.

Ich hoffe,dass Sie mir so bald wie möglich schreiben.Melden Sie bitte,wann ich mein Zeugnis erreichen könnte.

Im Voraus Vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

(2 votes)

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2 years ago

Dear Lady Name,

I’ll write to you because I have a problem. As you know, I have received my certificate. Unfortunately, I have lost this now. In my opinion, I fell out of my pocket, as this is broken.

I’m sorry to interrupt you again. However, my work certificate is very important so that I can find work. So I ask her for help.

I hope they can help me with this problem. I therefore ask them to draw up a new work certificate. Of course, I can also understand that this can take more time because you have a lot of work.

I hope you’ll write to me as soon as possible. Please register when I could get my certificate.

In advance Thank you for your efforts.

Best regards Name

That’s what I’d write. And don’t forget about point and always come free a column.

2 years ago

Dear Lady,

As you know, I got my job certificate the other day. Unfortunately, however, I have lost this witness. I think I’ve fallen the witness out of my pocket because it’s broken.
I would like to apologize for this, because I will give you unnecessary work. However, I need my work certificate to apply for potential job offers and jobs. That is why I would like to ask you again to issue a new certificate of work.
I would be happy to receive a timely feedback.

(I thank you in advance for your efforts.)

With kind regards (no comma!!!)


2 years ago
Reply to  yumekoox

How you know
I would like to ask
for your efforts

2 years ago
Reply to  Tannibi

oh gott right, I didn’t notice… thank you

2 years ago
  • own address
  • Email address + tel.Nr.
  • Address of the company……………………………………………………………………………….. Location, date

Loss of my work certificate

Dear wife (last name),

Unfortunately, my work certificate has been handed down. That’s why I’m asking you to make me a second.

In order not to give you any further inconvenience, I am happy to pick up the certificate myself. Please just let me know when to come by.

I would like to apologize for my carelessness and thank you in advance for your trouble.

Best regards

(first name last name)

2 years ago

Too much text and too much wrong.

It’s enough to write.

Ladies and gentlemen (or Dear Mrs XXXX)

I would like to ask you to send me a copy of my work certificate, as I have unfortunately come to my attention.

I ask you to excuse the inconvenience and thank me for your effort.

With Kind regards

Your name

2 years ago
Reply to  LittleMac1976


2 years ago

Take the text of .

He’s short and says everything.

You don’t have to write novels.