Schreibaby, Risiko faktor?
Hallo zusammen,
ich bin schwanger und war selber als Baby ein Schreibaby, jetzt meinte meine Mutter ich sollte mich auf was gefasst machen. Daher meine Frage nun, ist das Risiko für ein schreibaby wirklich höher weil ich selber eins war? Und was zählt noch zu den Risikofaktoren ein schreibaby zu bekommen?
Hello dear
The babies have no habit of screaming for fun. Mostly, the worm wants to share something. The earlier screaming babies usually had colic and that hurts awfully.
Here, for example, Lefax can be added and intestinal bacteria can be grown more quickly. With us, therefore, 3 monthly colic was almost only 1 month.
After that, there was a disturbance to the regulation. This means that baby takes up a lot of information about the day, processed, but cannot yet calm/relax. This helps an evening routine. You can’t introduce it early enough. Take off, clean up, make strample, make a cream, play the same song for evening or similar. If you like to think about yourself. This helps the baby relax because it knows what comes after it.
And generally helps the baby regulated daily routine. e.g. stand up, breakfast and walk the same time and go to sleep the same time, also helps the baby for his inner clock and rhythm
This can be better answered by a midwife or pediatrician.
The statutory health insurance companies take over the costs of a midwife care.
Happy pregnancy and birth
Just coincidence.