Schraubkranz auf Kasette umrüsten?

Ich habe einen MF-TZ21 7-fach 14-28T Schraubkranz und möchte auf eine Kasette umrüsten (CN-HG41 7-fach 11-28T), wäre dies ohne weiteres möglich oder muss ich mir ein Schraubkranz kaufen?

Leider fangen Schraubkränze bei 14T an, ich möchte aber am besten eins mit 11T

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2 years ago

You need a new or new old rear wheel with a hub for collars.

You will get it first and foremost for 8 to 10 times. There needed a spacer for the slightly shorter 7-fold cassette.

In the 90s, the 7-fold collar hubs were widespread. Maybe you’ll find an old rear wheel with it. They are still better than your wreath wheel.

2 years ago

No, there’s a wreath on it again. Since such screw rings are still used only on extremely cheap wheels, hub or impeller replacement is probably also not economical.

Look for 13-28 or do you have so steep mountains that the 30s is so indispensable?

It goes down to 12! numerous offers!