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The price depends on the effort and the doctor. You can consult another doctor at any time and decide where and who to do the surgery.
My surgery is almost two years ago and I’m glad I did it.
In your consideration should be included that the swellings and haematoms approx. Two weeks to see.
What did your surgery cost?
1800 Euro
“Nextly”…if that’s earlier than in six months, I wouldn’t do that before the wedding. Firstly, it takes a while to get an appointment and secondly, it may take months until the bruises are completely cured. The surgery can also lead to bleeding on the eye itself, and THAT CAN NOT OVERVIEW!
The slip song would be one of the few beauty operations I would have done to myself. Provided it is more affected than the optics. A real slip song exerts pressure on the eye and you constantly feel it would be exhausting to keep the eye open.
That’s what you usually have at the beginning of 20. So it’s more about a song fold correction. This is already “reparable” with a simple adhesive strip and does not necessarily require a cosmetic intervention.
Yes. A sliplid can also be innate. I wasn’t different. I really didn’t find it so disturbing. However, I had massively pronounced tear bags already as a child. At the age, this looked so terrible that I chose an OP. The doctor then talked me over to an override. I never thought this would make a difference. My eyes now look really big and the overall picture has changed very positively.
That’s why it says “usually”
In medicine, one always starts from the most likely. Therefore, with such a young person, it is probably not the case that she has OP worthy slip songs, but that she simply does not like her lip fold.
With us in Germany, this is an unsuscited price, because an override is for a tested, trained aesthetic surgeon, probably one of the most routined interventions ever. I made it with 40 in Czech for 700,- (you have to imagine!) . The result was great and without complications. After that, you go home with 2 thin white patches in the eye fold, follow the instructions and let the threads draw at home, with an ophthalmologist. Just imagine that you will look like a pandabär a week, you can still get very black-blue-red eye rings, which is nothing unnormal. Every day it becomes brighter, that is, I was just out with sunglasses and where it became less, with good covering cover. They also help with cheap accommodation, for one night, before the appointment.
I left this surgery a little over 10 years ago. I’ve been in the middle of 50.
I was very happy about the result. Opticly this was a very clear improvement and “rejuvenation”. However, I already paid almost 4,000 euros for this.
For a 23-year-old, I find that excessive. As a parent, I would say, pay the shit myself.
A slipper can also be congenital, as with me. You’ve got it in young years and don’t look beautiful. Besides, I’ve only paid 800 euros for my override. The surgery was this year.
May I ask where exactly? I have left 40 years ago that in Czechia, for 700,- and would leave it there at any time, but with an insomnia anaesthesia, because I was with full consciousness and that was psychologically too exciting, my heart has almost beaten 🙈. Of course, anaesthesia was put in my eyes, I felt zero, but internally I don’t want to have it without a slight sedation anymore.
Since I’m an older semester, the OP-object was biting with me. There was not only drawn but also raised a lot. That’s why it was more expensive.
The result is amazing in the end.
Please accept me, I would like to exchange with you, we will also have something to laugh (for the purpose of local anaesthesia 🙈😂)
Services : Medizor (
That’s where I let that happen. That wasn’t the only surgery I had on that day. However, I would never let myself operate with local anaesthesia.
If you book directly there, you pay 400 euros for an override. Unfortunately I didn’t have the link of the clinic and I didn’t find anything on the German Google. So nothing else left me to book about the agency.
What doctor were you with?
Me too. But it was born with me and had nothing to do with age.
This is extremely expensive.
I paid 800 euros for it because I only decided to do so at the clinic. If I had decided at home, I would have paid 700 euros for it.
If I had known the clinic’s homepage, I would have paid 400 euros for it.
It’s hard to blame if you can do this in Germany.
Where did you leave?
That was in Pilsen. The doctor is considered one of the most prestigious cosmetic surgeons in the Czech Republic. The result has become very beautiful.
Services : Medizor (
Here you can book directly via the clinic. If there is no “German supplement”, you pay 400 euros. The doctor is Dr. Jan Bouda.
What’s the doctor’s name?
I’d just let the slipper sliders impair my vision. And then the surgery would probably be taken over as medically necessary by the checkout. But otherwise not.
I’m standing at my corners and edges. I can and do not want to be perfect. Because that makes me unique.
Only with aesthetic indication. There are people who just do this because they are not perfect.
I have a medical indication and cost acceptance of the health insurance and do not go under surgery, because I am afraid of an incomplete idling. Worse always goes.
A routine OP can also achieve moderate successes.
Good for you.
If he recognizes her after that, why not?
You can look at him for the first time with completely open eyes!
Beauty should not be a question of money.
Otherwise, “Müller Milk” might also help:‘s+schön+macvht&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:14a3aec1,vid:dPM3wPhaMvE,st:0