Beautiful beach places in Europe that you can travel to by car?
Can you recommend nice beaches that can be reached by car?
I come from Germany.
Thanks in advance
Can you recommend nice beaches that can be reached by car?
I come from Germany.
Thanks in advance
My future wife and I are spending our honeymoon in Taiwan. The flights are booked, and now we want to finalize our itinerary. We already know that we'll be visiting Taipei and Kaoshiung. Now I'd like to know if anyone here has already been to Taiwan and can give us further tips on places to…
We would like to go on holiday again in September. With our family, 2 adults and 2 children (2 years and 5 years). We'd love to travel to a great beach similar to the islands of the Maldives. However, we don't want to fly that far from Germany. Besides, the Maldives are a bit too…
I'm flying on holiday from Cologne Airport soon and I'm really afraid that there will really be as much chaos there as I see in the media… the flight leaves at 5:30 in the morning. Has anyone had any experience in the last few weeks?
Hallo ich bin Schüler und gehe bald für 4 Wochen nach Irland als Auslandpraktikum und würde gerne noch am Wochenende mit Freunden etwas Unternehmen. Gibt es da etwas zu empfehlen?
I'm traveling to London and wanted to ask if anyone knows where I can buy incontinence diapers in London. Has anyone had experience with them and can offer any tips? Are they available at the ASDA supermarket?
Abgesehen von den Inseln kann man jeden “Strandort” in Europa mit dem Auto erreichen.
Schön finde ich viele Strände in Westjütland. Französische Atlantikküste ist auch nicht schlecht.
timmendorfer strand