Schon alkoholkrank?
Hallo liebe Mitglieder
Ich mache mir Sorgen um einen Freund von mir. Er ist 37 Jahre alt und trinkt oft und viel. Eigentlich ist er jedes Wochenende voll betrunken. Auch unter der Woche trinkt er regelmäßig. 2/3 tage unser woche ist er nüchtern. Das geht schon seit 6 Jahren so. Sein Verhalten im betrunken Zustand ist relativ normal, hin und wieder hat der einen moralischen. Er schafft auch seinen Alltag noch gut. ( Arbeit, soziale Kontakte) Auch körperlich sieht man ihm nichts bis wenig an. ( Außer er ist eben betrunken, dann hat er natürlich rote Augen und eine Fahne). Momentan hat er beruflich viel Stress ( Verantwortung) Habe ihn schon mal darauf angesprochen dann meinte er: ja hast Recht, bist nicht der erste der sagt, aber ich schaffe ja alles noch. Kann sich so was von selber bessern?
This can be better “by itself”. However, it can become even worse “by itself”. As it will run, no one can say in advance. The risks are not low.
Your friend is urgently advised to speak to professionals once. You can accompany him. You can even visit a consultancy office on your own and have you consulted as a relative. Look here:
Maybe this guide will help if you want to talk to your friend again: “We need to talk” – talks about drug use, support/wir-muessen-reden-gespraeche-ueber-drogenkonsum
Good luck!
As a rule, it often remains in this behaviour (and the associated increased health risks). Often it takes a hearty incision so that someone is really willing to take up the troubles of a pampering (and possibly necessary medically accompanied (!) detoxification).
But, of course, you can tell him again seriously your concern (possibly linked to the indication that he can get support with a psychosocial counselling center. They are familiar with this problem.
More attempts to influence them are, however, ineffective and lead more to concealment than to change.
Hi Klara984,
First of all, I find it very nice that you make so many thoughts about your friend. And also that you mentioned it – many do not trust.
From his answer, it is quite clear that he has a problematic drinking behavior. To your question whether it is alcoholic: there are clear diagnostic criteria for dependency that you can read here, for example: criteria
But in the end, I do not think it is a matter of priority whether or not you have the diagnosis of “alcohol dependence”. It is more important, from my point of view, to see whether problems have already arisen or to try to prevent this from happening.
It is quite true that people, without support from the outside, create their habits of consumption. What you can do anyway is to offer him help. And this help can look very different, e.g.:
And, of course, you should pay attention to yourself – with all the concerns you have about the person, it happens quickly that you work on it and forget your own needs. In the normal case, search advice centres always offer advice for friends/ relatives.
If you need support to find a consultancy in your area, please contact us.
Otherwise, I can recommend you to look past DigiSucht. There are professional, anonymous onine advice on addictive topics:
Many greetings and all good
Peter vom DigiStreet-Team der Drughilfe Schwaben
Mostly you don’t drink because the alcohol tastes. That he’s drunk is often a follow-up. As long as it’s not a addiction. Why don’t you ask him what’s going on? You’re worried. Maybe you can help.
because of the video I haven’t been drinking for two years. Whoever has a strong will, he creates himself. Like taking off.