Schokoladen Topping Mhd überschritten?
Komische Frage aber ich habe noch zwei verschlossene Flaschen mit Schokoladen Topping die allerdings schon seid 2 Monaten abgelaufen sind. Die Frage ist, kann ich das Topping noch benutzen zum backen etc oder eher nicht? Bzw wie lange sind sie nach dem Mhd noch haltbar.
Two months are a Klacks!
In English speaking space stands for ‘minimum durability’ = Best before (‘better before’ + date) what it’s best.
There are no price reductions abroad for such products that are still close to the MHD, because MINDEST is not MAXIMAL!
I’m still from the times when there was no MHD. Previously, food was something precious that had to be produced first! Accordingly, they were used as long as they were. In any case, as it has been the case since the introduction of the MHD.
Behind the MHD there is also a sales strategy: it is necessary to buy more frequently, as people throw away products – because they no longer know how to check food with its built-in test procedures! So you throw them away!
Our ‘built-in’ control systems are: taste, smell, sense of touch, optics and knowledge of the subject: they decide whether something is still good. And the famous 6 sense: if it disgusts you, better get away with it!
In cases like in chocolate casting, two months are completely uncritical!
If it hasn’t somehow demixed and smells normal, tastes and looks completely unproblematic.
The longer the “off-work” should hold, the longer it will be good for good storage (not too warm and dark) and beyond. The chocolate sauce will probably last longer than 12 months after purchase, the likelihood that it is bad after 2 months is likely to be very low.
In some foods, the MHD does not make any sense. Sugar, salt and tea, for example (if this is not already obsolete), but also rice and noodles are as long as they remain dry and pest-free forever.
Right! The Knaller is the MHD in salt: there are millions of years as soil scrap in the earth – but here it should be inedible from 1 year? Because of salt, wars were waged in earlier times, as valuable it was!
Hey, we should be grateful that the salt just before it was badly mined and packed!
Haha, very good! Yeah, right!
Sugar pampe is almost never bad, the MHD is just a legal feature. And, by the way, “at least durable to” does not mean “at the moment fatal…”
Gell? Often misunderstood 🙂
Often longer good. See if the consistency is still as it should be, smells normal? Then you can try if it tastes as usual. Then you can use it without a bad conscience.
This is usually only sugar, fat, possibly. Cocoa powder, and aroma, this will not be bad so quickly;)
Use your senses.
see, what does it look like?
smells good?
if it fits
taste: does it taste that I can eat?
They are still in order in half a year 👍
I wouldn’t eat anymore.