Schokolade mit Erdbeeren?
Mögt ihr das?
Hab ich mich schon lange gefragt! Ist ein Experte hier der das beantworten kann? :3
Kokosnuss ist meine Schwäche, ich habe heute direkt eine Packung mitgenommen (:
Hey alle, Ich weiss, dass da nichts von Lab oder so drauf steht aber ist dieser Quark vegetarisch?
Ist für die Kalorienzufuhr nicht unwichtig
Best decision ever.
Who or who invented it just legend
Very little. It’s okay but too much I don’t find appetizing
Strawberry with sugar is better
If you mean chocolate in the strawberries in it comes to chocolate when you mean strawberries that are surrounded by chocolate, then yes, very much.
Honestly, as I like chocolate, in connection with strawberries it does not taste to me, the strawberry aroma is too heavily covered.
I don’t like it at all, and I prefer to eat strawberries.
Yes, but in small quantities.
Yeah, who doesn’t like it?
Edit: I really didn’t expect SO many people not chocolate with
Like strawberries?? I think it’s so unusual.
Of course. Fruit and chocolate are a great combo, especially strawberries and bananas
No, I don’t like it. I like pure tender chocolate.
Not really. Strawberries I prefer pure.
If, then strawberries with chocolate.
Yeah, that’s very delicious!
I prefer pure strawberries without chocolate.
No. Either strawberries or chocolate.
Chocolate strawberries are mega
Not my taste, not with whipped cream.