Schoko bubbeltea mit Blaubeereren Bobas?
passen zu einem Schoko bubbeltea Blaubeer bobas? Möchte es eben Ausprobieren✨bzw selber einen Boba kreieren und weiss nd ob das passt?!
Was meint ihr? denkt ihr:
ne, fail! ODER Ja, nice!
Freue mich auf Antworten 🙂
Lg🌸 schönen Tag euch noch
Hi, helloguyitsme.
That doesn’t sound bad…
The combination with chocolate and blueberries is a tasty contrast.
Try it and give a feedback.
Greetings, Renate.
there are also chocolates or cakes with blueberries. I’d test it! But blueberry bobas are always very sweet. Taste will not be a problem, but it might be too sweet
That sounds great. I like chocolate and blueberries very much. It’s a very good combination.