Schockraum Alam, Bedeutung?
Ich war heute in der Notaufnahme, ich saß im Wartebereich. Es kam dann endlich eine Ärztin und ich durfte in ein Behandlungszimmer, keine 2 Minuten später kam ein lauter Gong und eine Durchsage kam mit “Schockraum Alarm, Raum 3”, dann ist die Ärztin und die Pflegerin (die dabei war) aus dem Raum gesprintet, wohlgemerkt ohne ein Wort zu sagen (!!!)
Ich musste 2 Stunden (!!!) warten bis die wieder kamen und ich war zurecht wütend… was bedeutet Schockraum Alarm? Kann das sowas ernstes sein?
Ich mein meine Schwester saß auch mal im Schockraum aber da kam niemand angerannt?
A shock room alarm is for me the worst thing that can happen in the hospital. A shock room alarm is 99.9% about life or death!
This gong and the passage signal to the staff that a delivery for the shock space is immediately ahead, then it means SCHNELL, namely VERY SCHNELL. This alarm is triggered in, for example, reanimations or severe injuries, whenever a lot of staff, quickly, should be there.
And patients who are still angry at the staff after that, although they have heard that the shock room was triggered alarm, have lost any respect!
With us in the clinic, the shock room alarm only runs over the service phones, these then give special sound sequences of itself and one can distinguish between the shock room alarm and polytraum alarm, which actually fulfills the same purpose, only one can assume in the shock room alarm that a reanimation comes from or that a delivery with the helicopter is due. In the case of the polytrauma alarm, it is known that, for example, a car accident or abusive suicide attempt is introduced.
For me, shock room alarm and heart alarm are the only alarms where I really run (almost sprinte)!
And who has to wait a long time is not an emergency. The triage is usually very good;)
LG Kira
The shock room is the room where the absolute emergencies come. The doctor still announces from the site that they have a patient for the shock room, in x minutes they are there. The hospital then has so much time to prepare the staff in the shock room. Then several doctors and nurses (approx. 10 people) are ready to arrive.
Shock space alarm means that there is a life-threatening emergency. It is intended to get the staff (which usually helps in the outpatient clinic) to the shock room immediately. So they just let you stand. It’s like they could just let you stand means you weren’t hurt life-threatening. So be glad!
I’ve been in shock with patients several times. A boy with a severe allergic reaction, he has nothing more, possibly acute danger of life. A man after a respiratory system arrest, acute danger of life. A cyclist who was hit by the car and was thrown into the graves, unconscious, acute danger of life. A boy after a fall of 4-5m with possibly severe internal injuries, possibly acute danger of life. These are loud uses that I have actually been in the shock room.
So – the “shock room ” is in first instance a space intended for the treatment of life-threateningly injured or ill patients.
Of course, it can also be when everything is calm that a non-life-threateningly ill patient is put into the shock room if no other room is available. So it will have been with your sister – just because you’re in the shock room, you’re not life-threateningly ill.
But: a “shockroom alarm” is IMMER an alarm for an acute life-threatening situation. Then the Memschen who work in a shock room team need to turn away the danger of life. At least if it happens directly in the clinic or emergency room. If the rescue service brings a life-threatening patient, then there is usually a certain pre-warning time, then sometimes it is not so hot
So, as a seemingly acute shock room alarm has been triggered with you, it went somewhere, maybe in the shock room, to life and death, and it was, of course, completely ok that the doctor and the sister were running away and you had to wait, because: in an emergency, it is always urgent. If someone else shows up who’s sicker than you, you’ll slide back in the list. And yes, even if something happens in the middle of your treatment. This is the heavy lot of patients who are in the emergency room with less urgency cases… I would suggest a visit to the doctor on the following day 😉
The ski boot is a special treatment environment for very urgent emergencies, for example after a serious road accident.
The alarm probably calls the staff for
Shock room means there was someone dying. Congratulations, you’re the person in the emergency room we like least.
Each patient is classified. Wait a long time, you’re not an emergency. Wait a minute, you’re one. And you don’t have to wait, you’re in danger of life.
This step system is called Manchester Triage, if you want to look. There’s also how long every patient can wait.
Shock room means someone is just acute in danger of life and has to be reanimated. Here you need all your colleagues and doctors and every other patient has to wait, no matter how much they want to worry about it. It’s normal.
In the emergency room, emergencies are treated, but as more and more people come in, who are not an emergency, it is quite difficult to balance everything at the same time.
As I said, you had to wait a long time, of course, this is stupid, but then you were not an emergency.
Shock room is always top priority 🙂
a shock room is a special treatment room where acute life-threatening patients (first) are provided. This can be conventionally surgical patients, such as after a serious accident, or non-surgical patients, such as a heart attack with acute heart failure or an extended stroke with loss of consciousness. The shock chamber alarm is usually triggered centrally and caused by the doctor, who has been informed by the doctor by phone, for example. Many departments are involved in the shock room supply, so it will be alarmed in time so that everyone has enough time to come here and make necessary preparations.
There’s the internal shock room alarm. This is triggered by the attending physician if the patient is already in the emergency room, but not in the shock room and the doctor finds that the patient must be supplied in the shock room. In this case, all colleagues will come immediately.
What is also conceivable in your case is that this means an internal clinical emergency, such as a reanimation (which does not necessarily represent a shock chamber treatment). Then, of course, immediate intervention is necessary. The further treatment in these emergencies generally takes over a predefined team of the intensive care unit.
In short, it was important and you were unimportant. Sounds hard, but it is. Priorities have to be set and emergency care takes a long time. You have to take the waiting time, obviously you’re all right.
Question answered?
Love greeting
If I find mega exciting, we really don’t have that. Shock room alarm means shock room alarm, whether internal or external, as soon as the alarm goes to the shock room (which is on the display).
Right. With us, the simply Rea team (to which I belong) is called, but if an inner-clinical reanimation happens, we are not reanimated in the shock room but in a special room in the intensive care unit (if the Pat is capable of transport)… but of course every house can handle it differently:)
Good summary 🙂
LG Kira
It has to be differentiated. If the patient is announced by the rescue service for 20 minutes, not everyone has to run directly and not. If 5 minutes before arrival are all there and a short team time out is made, it is usually enough.
The name usually varies. Exactly, the SR is typically not the first target. Reanimated is where you are, be it the treatment room of the emergency room or the patient room at normal station. You have to ask yourself what to do during the reanimation. Does an embolism have to be excluded? Must be operated immediately? Do you have to do an emergency catheter? Does the patient need an eCPR? This depends on many factors and cannot be broken down to an answer.
From the ZNA it is about 50 meters to the SR, so even almost nothing, but from the surgery it can be 300 meters fast as we are a large clinic… from the cafeteria it is good 500 meters to the SR, so we better alert too soon than to late… In addition, for some doctors/patients these 300 meters from the surgery or the like are half a world trip as the basic fitness leaves something in the years :0
We are then actually in the SR, prepare everything and organize. OP rooms or an intensive bed, and then we have enough time for a briefing
On average we alert 14 minutes before RD arrives
Depending on what is announced and what doctor or ZNA-Orga is there, it happens that we will be alerted later… where there is currently a change and we are on a good way to alert directly after info from the RD
They will be informed early enough, just shortly before the SR team, but as I said, we are currently trying to alert the RD directly after info
Our ZNA is connected to a CT and X-ray, which is only used by the ZNA and Intensive…
Unfortunately, in such situations, some colleagues in the ZNA-Orga will be alarmed at the latest, but then they will call the SR team (which is not in the ZNA at the time of the announcement) and will state that if I am in the ZNA-Orga, I am alarming as soon as I have the exact info when the RD arrives.
I’m rarely in the SR as I work in the intensive care unit and I’m more involved with the Rea team
The time span is also relatively good for us… according to which emergency doctor is driving, we know it sooner and later. In case of children’s emergencies, we (ZUM GLÜCK) become more than just-time Informed… unfortunately, the DRF air rescue hasn’t done so with announcements and often gives us much too late… at the ADAC air rescue works wonderfully, partly 45 minutes before we already know in detail what comes
Was vllt stupid described, we do not have the full possibilities that an HKL offers but we can carry out smaller investigations that can also perform a cardio function and partly an HKL. But I have never experienced that this has been used, since right next to the ITS and IMC, as well as directly above the ZNA is the cardio function and the HKL… so we don’t need the i.d.R., so I can’t say exactly what we could do because I have never been able to:(
I didn’t say this was not taken seriously. I meant that in most cases more than enough time is to go towards SR; what is noticed by us, about 10 meters walk from the emergency room and 30 meters from the surgery. If the patient is announced for 20 minutes and I’m going to get rid of the alarm, I’m just standing around for 19 minutes and 30 seconds and waiting to write letters instead of writing letters, dismissing patients or looking at me again quickly.
That the first-contacted doctor alerts you deliberately late (so I understand you: he knows it 30 minutes before, but only alerts 10 minutes before?) is strange. Grade of the OP coordinator and the radiologists need the information as early as possible so that they can stop correspondingly valleys, keep the CT free and so on. If the alarm is delayed at us, then only if the arrival will take a particularly long time (40 minutes or the like) or the rescue service/emergency doctor does not know whether they come to us or go somewhere else.
My experience is that most patients are announced for 15-20 minutes, whether air- or floor-bound.
Okay? I haven’t heard anything like that before, how is that? A heart catheter laboratory also includes a switching space outside the X-ray control area, etc., then the large C-arm, how does it fit? Especially since catheter laboratories are unlikely to be expensive and have to be used all day so that they can be financed at all. And the one in your room can then be used badly for planned catheters, otherwise the space is occupied in case of emergency. How’s that going?
No. With and is shock room alarm always to take seriously. If the RTW still needs 20 minutes, this is great for us, then we have enough time for a short briefing, if it only takes 5 minutes it is enough for the most necessary. In and in a shock room alarm is called IMMER! But if it’s clear he’ll come in 30 minutes about 10 minutes before the shock room alarm is triggered.
As soon as a helicopter is announced, we have only 4 minutes to arrive as we often get late decision
Yes, well, there are 100 names for this
Right. It will be reanimated until the anaesthetist says “Okay, get into the Rea room”. At a rea, the anaesthesia has told us that no matter what Pat’s specialist area… of course, it happens that the anaesthesia gives another doctor the responsibility.
Right. That’s what the anesthetist decides about. If the Pat is reasonably stable, it goes to the Rea room (abbreviation with us CPR-R). In this room we also have means to carry out cardiac catheter investigations or small surgery (which is generally not done). But in this room we have everything in emergency medicine, this room is for us in case of a Rea Objective No. 1… there the Pat have the best chances because everything is there. Of course, the Rea team takes a lot of material, but there are 10 times more options in the CPR-R than in the pockets of team.
In the case of an intraclinical reanimation, the cardiac alarm is triggered via the ring field (in the patient room or the like), then the Rea team runs to the Rea and 3 nurses and 1 doctor of the ITS prepare (as in the SR) for the arrival in the CPR-R. Same procedure also on the children’s intensive care station.
LG Kira
A critically ill patient who could bear serious health restrictions without immediate intervention, or even death thereof.
Sometimes the shock room is also used as a normal patient treatment room, but then there is no “shock room alarm”.
An alarm in a shock room means: A person is in danger of life.
All other treatments must stand back for this.
Yeah, if there’s an alarm in the shock room, it’s usually life or death. There’s a need to wait for minor cases.
“Really angry,” because you were not a real emergency?
If you first sit in the waiting room and then wait 2 hours, the triage system is located quite far below.
In the case of a shock room, a person comes in who needs immediate treatment, be it reanimation, trauma or stroke (or or).
Better be glad that you were able to leave your time and no big break had to be made.
Yes, because the moment was about saving a person in danger of life. – It should be understandable that it does not stop with long explanations or fleas, if someone else is potentially dying right now if he is not immediately helped.
No, not “just.”
If You would float in danger of life, then you would also like to be saved and stabilized immediately and do not want to crawl, because the doctor and/or nursing person still stays with explanations and approvals elsewhere.
I don’t know what was going on, but you already know that you have a “right” (=to the right“) had to be angry? – Remember yourself, right?
In the future, it is better to mock if you have any idea and understand the backgrounds.