Schnupfen nur nachts wenn ich im Bett liege?
Meine Nase läuft fast durchgehend, am meisten aber, wenn ich schlafen will im Bett.
Ist das Allergie, oder so? Hab nämlich meine Bettdecke, mein Bettlaken, meine Plüschtiere, alles schon gewaschen in der Waschmaschine
Haare und Körper ebenfalls täglich
Bringt trotzdem alles nichts
Please wash first your pillow 2. your cover and 3. the mattress pad. There are many dust mites in there. Washing the linen alone is not enough
This could be an allergy to dust mites. They are very strongly represented in bed. Let’s check this out with the doctor, so you can do something very good – with special bed covers and detergents.
There are house dust mites or actually your hair, because they have to be washed almost right in front of going to bed, and your day clothes should not be in the bedroom. True clarity brings only a professional allergy test.
Can be an allergy to bedbugs, which also crawl in ridges and are difficult to fight. Are any plants in the bedroom or close to the window? It is also possible to react allergic to or on mold in the flower pots, so pot plants should not be in the bedroom. Some plants are naturally poisonous and the poisons at summer heat, even flying pollen can provide a permanent nose.
If the cause is internal, in particular chronic inflammation of the sinuses can be the cause: try a cure with natural antibiotics, for example onions, mustard, ginger, honey, chili and especially horseradish, all that makes “sharp”, simply eat for several weeks especially much of it to meals, these natural antibiotics fight existing inflammation hearts from the inside, especially the horseradish. The normal hot one from the supermarket is enough!
Bed bugs aren’t so likely if you haven’t lived abroad in the worst jumpers. You mean house dust mites?
Right, mites, I’ve confused with the bugs because I’ve just read a report on the Viechers. Milbs are much more common. However, not everyone is allergic to it.
Bed bugs would make themselves felt differently – they bite because the human blood needs.
Allergy against mites
Or hidden mold.
Are they here in the summer?
Always. Also in winter
I’ve had it for a couple of weeks